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Distracted driving and multitasking mania : Young drivers at risk | | Dr. Pragya Khanna | 2/11/2016 12:39:06 AM |
| A teenager driving a vehicle speedily passes you. You're astounded how fast and recklessly it was speeding. Worse, it didn't happen on a freeway, it was on an active city street. Like most adults in that situation, you shake your head in perplexity. You very well know it wasn't the first time that happened, nor will it be the last. And if you're a parent (with a teen driver) who saw what I just explained, the first thought that can strike your mind is..."How does my son/daughter handle the automobile on road?" Possessing or driving either a two or a four wheeler is one of the most triumphant occasions in a teenager's life and often one of the most unsafe too even though youngsters in this age group may be smart, skilled and have great reflexes. It is at this age that most teenagers are exposed to the excitement of speeding, tailgating and showing off and are often impulsive and fearless. Moreover, most Indian roads are not exactly vehicle friendly. Besides poorly paved roads, there is also bad traffic sense. For those of us living in urban areas, traffic congestion, hostile driving behavior, continuous road repairs, animal menace on the roads are not uncommon, in these situations, the lack of both maturity and experience can be a alarming combination. It has been seen time and again that when everybody else waits patiently and impatiently in traffic jams, the line of two wheelers, more than often driven by teenagers find their way one after another to the corners or even out of the road in order to be the first one to reach wherever they have to. Over the last 10 years, the number of two-wheelers has increased fourfold in the city owned mostly by the young students. Worse is lack of traffic sense and disruption of rules, the youngsters generally do not consider helmets as fitting under their fashion statement, sitting triple and hooting is fun, overtaking and rash driving is cool. You can overtake from anywhere you find space. College girls drive fast scooties and often tend to demonstrate their expertise to their boy counterparts. Nowadays it is not uncommon to see parents handing expensive vehicles, cell phones and other such gadgets to their kids immediately after their passing high school without realizing the repercussions, an act which can very well be equated to the maxim "Choking your kids on the Silver Spoon". New teen drivers overestimate their driving skills. Their vehicle is often their dressing room, nightclub on wheels, lunch room etc. etc. However, unfortunately, as many young drivers realize each year, driving is a task that involves your undivided attention, particularly since you're still fresh to the prospect. Fact is, drivers between the ages of 16 to 19 are four times likelier than older drivers to be involved in car accidents. The following are driving distractions you may be all too familiar with and can avoid to prevent accident and preserve your focus when behind the wheel. Incessant talking with friends should be avoided at all costs as it can get you to take your eyes off the road. It has been observed that young drivers with young friends tend to get in more accidents than those driving alone. Cell phone use and friends in the car are two main factors for teens becoming unfocused when driving. This can lead to crashes and fatalities. Over half of teens aged 16-19 who own cell phones are reported to talk and send messages on a cell phone while driving. Listening to music is yet another issue. There is nothing like browsing to your favorite songs. But that split-second you bend over to change that CD or switch to a different radio station is just enough time for an accident to happen. Moreover, blowing up music on a high note can put you in risk since you won't be able to hear the horns of other motorists or emergency vehicle sirens. Eating/drinking while driving is a matter of concern. Youngsters are often seen juggling their cans of soda with fries or burger while on the move. One must wait until parked before one chows down anything. Grooming on the road. People might think they're saving time by multitasking as they put on makeup or brush their hair while driving. All it takes is that couple of seconds one looks in the mirror for an accident to happen. Angry/stressful and taking it on the road is also another subject involving teens of today. Sometimes a long drive seems like just the thing to calm you down. In reality, it could be the worst thing to do when you're angry or upset. Driving angry is like driving drunk. Don't ever drive in a distracted mood. Drive only when you are emotionally stable. Speeding and racing combined with inexperience and bravado, sometimes leads to make poor driving decisions. The two-wheeler riders must get in gear. A helmet, eye protection, boots and gloves best protect you against injury in case of an accident. Be sure to wear them every time you ride. Use your headlight, avoid other drivers' 'blind spots', don't make rapid lane changes and be prepared to use your horn so you can be certain other drivers see you. Don't ever stop directly behind another vehicle. If you leave enough space, you'll be able to maneuver around the vehicle in front of you in case an approaching vehicle doesn't see you and can't stop in time. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of disability and spinal cord injuries among youth. Parents should discuss driving rules with their teens and help their new drivers stick to them. A very important point is that parents should act as role models for them by strictly following all rules and regulations themselves. When asked many of the teens stated their parents use the cell phone while driving with them and others in the car. It is up to parents to enforce safe driving. The surest way to prevent your child from an automobile accident is to be a good example and buckle your own seatbelt. They will follow suit. Children, like most human beings, learn through imitation. Regular monitoring and communication with the teen driver and other parents is important. Compile a file of articles about teen driving accidents and their consequences that your teen must read. The teen driver must record at least 1,000 miles or 60 hours of driving with parents before driving alone. Driving solely in the company of young friends must be avoided at least for the first 6 months. Driving must be with permission, destination, time, route and passengers must all be pre-approved and children should call home if any plans change. Night driving should be limited; use of seat-belts must be encouraged. The teen driver's cell phone must always be on. However, don't allow teens to talk on the phone when driving. No driving on major highways for the first 6 months without specific permission. Parents should check if any kind of alcohol drinking or drug use is there. In case anything erroneous and off beam is observed, remember, parents have the right to request that a child's license be revoked. New teen drivers are not trained at handling unexpected problems, like an animal or a small kid running across the road, incompetence of auto rickshaw/matador drivers, driving uphill during jam situations etc. Keep your teens safe by giving them some freedom with guidance and "strings attached." These strings may save their lives. Moreover there is need to control mushrooming of incompetent driving schools in the city. According to me stricter traffic rules is what we need to improve traffic discipline among youngsters and heavy penalties should be imposed for speeding or breaking lanes. Modern technology can be adopted for planning and controlling the traffic effectively. The government should install surveillance cameras at certain places to keep a tab on the miscreants. And above all the process for issuing licenses by the authorities should be more stringent. All this should be taken into account to make life more fun for the young and peaceful and tranquil for the rest! |
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