Early Times Report
JAMMU, Apr 3: Jammu and Kashmir State Rural Livelihoods Mission (JKSRLM) organized a training workshop here today on Management Information System (MIS) maintained at National Portal of National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), GoI. Speaking on the occasion, Mission Director Dr G N Qasba, informed the participants that capturing the work done at the grass root level and its real time updation is key and prerequisite for transparency, progress and the way-forward to accomplishment of objectives in smooth manner. MIS is an important tool which is being used for monitoring and reviewing the progress both at the State and National level. Dr Qasba said as a good practice and governance, MoRD, GoI has put emphasis on having the real time analysis of implementation of activities carried out under JK SRLM. The training focused on various components to be maintained at National Portal of NRLM. These components capture all the details of each activity carried out in the field from basic profile of beneficiary, funds disbursement & transactions, various livelihoods taken up by the SHG members. |