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Kashmiriyat is Dead Long live the Kashmir | | | Bhushan Parimoo
Minus Kashmiri Pandits, Kashmiri Muslim who had avenues to protect dignity and honor of the family. It was the other day social media users expressed that Sh Abdul Rehman Rather leader of National Conference, a seasoned Politician rather a shrewd one, who had number of innings as Cabinet Minster in National Conference Government met Sh Raj Nath Singh Union Minister at Srinager who was on his two days visit of valley to douse charged scenario with folded hands, like a Hindu. A mind set highlyresentful one. It took me decades back when Kahmiri, I wrote in the nationality column, while applying for the final year admission inJammu university tentatively way back in 1970, This was promoted, as it had appeared in the national papers that Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, leader in wilderness then, had given his nationality as Kashmiri while applying for passport, and got the same to undertake Haj pilgrimage, without any fuss. I was called by HOD, Dr S.N. Wakakhloo as news about this abnormal adventure by me became talk of the campus. A very strict fastidious administrator. Without mincing words told me to make correction but I stood my ground on the plea that what is permissible to S M Abdullah, same is for every state subject, he got it corrected through some one in the department, I did not oblige him, Needless to add had there would have been some one else in my place, he would had succumbed to pressure,his usual threat that he will make sure to fail in practical exam , which he had used it without remorse many times, but he knew that my muscle were more powerful than his pen which he had tasted in my previous year. Besides ever since, I became conscious of the fact that our Kashmir is called Switzerland of Asia, and that country has maintained neutrality during wars, and tourism is its economical strength, we wanted such an arrangement with our own state. Moreover rumbling through the pages of the history of the state of the partition days, it was found that Maharaja Hari Singh, his Raj Guru, Prime Minister Pandit RamChand Kak and his subjects in majority wanted Independence status Which was torpedoed by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah after his proposal to Jinnah was turned downed by him out rightly, who wanted to grab power succeeded courtesy Nehru. The intensity of the baptized desire at the time of dawning this reality, since is there, though now is waning out as kashmiriyat is dead long live the kashmiris minus KPS and elite KMS I carried and still an firm in belief that kashmiriyat is the strongest bind among us, who were in past of same religion and lineage. Despite we parted ways of saying obeisance to Him yet we had workable relationship, which went in complete harmony Religion is a personal faith and way of life Shall not be allowed to come in the way to destroy relations, instead it should bind, a trust in His name has to be earned by majority In fact to me there is no majority or minority, humanity is what all matters and has to be kept in mind We had DOOUDMEOUJ, the lady who feeds child apart from the mother, it is a strongest bound as pious as mothers, from Muslim mothers who not only reared us with affection but fed on her own milk,as in my case also in dire need. We has joint problems like to eke out living, fight corruption, injustice, exploration, browbeating, humiliation and to sustain in fast developing environs, I carried the desire all along my life to spend my last days of leisure in Kashmir, so was my better half of the opinion, though belonged to Dograclan, her tiny tot days at Badamibagh and then her graduation from Government Medical College Srinagar had all the fascination to spend our days in peace and tranquility in paradise Even I had selected the spot to raise dwelling, near Daksum at Bidhyaad where Late Haji Mohammad Shafi Khatana,a bold and great Gujjar Leader had a siesta hut at the edge right side of the rivulet, Indraji in her Prime before taking reigns of over as Prime Minstership and both of her sons Rajiv and Sanjay had rested a couple of times there ,as is said. I had arranged brick makers, timber earmarked and other inter gritty taken care, but site could not be fixed, so we thought next summer work will be started without fail, it was autumn 1989, and that next year did not come. Azadi I too wanted, but real intention got laid bare, without] Battas [KPS] with Battanis [female KPS], this is where organizers made a cardinal blunder could not to reign in these slogan makers. But at the same I am thankful to all to them for their honest admission of the real intention otherwise we would have been taken for a ride in the name of Independent Kashmir, where I wanted to spend my remaining days. This remind me of an incident about violent clashes ,in early eighteenth century, in down town between Shias and Sunnis, former were at receiving end very badly which they are still. In one of the clashes Shais were inflicted grievously the damage, chasers were Sunnis, one of them saw a KP gloating over the incidence, not to loose cite to his enemy remarked, while chasing he REMARKED IN ANGER, RAFEEZAAN[SHIAS ] PAAT [afterwards]CHEEY [is]KAFIRN [ non beleiver] LAAR [chase] LAAELHAL ILLEHA same could have been our fate, but God willed otherwise, ill intentioned lost His support I feel. I have been again visiting valley since 1995 on wards, and my better half, now no more, had been with me reviving old memories of our young days with it mine of my younger time prior to that too. But my son who has been exposed to uncivilized, non Kashmir way of life of hate, terrorism, senseless killings, rapes has no trust to believe any one there for that cannot buy Kashmiyat in present form. So is the case with the siblings of better off Kashmiri Muslims who had to make hasty rather abrupt move from valley through Jawaher Tunnel, Jehlum valley road was not permitted to use. Honour of their Sisters, Daughters or Female Grand Children of marriageable age was at stake. As street ruffians came as suitors in the name of Jehad. However i am of the firm belief common Kashmir is as helpless as we are, sandwiched between guns which they never asked for. Still I don't wish ill of those who live there, let peace be allowed to return, so that our younger who are there enjoy kashmiri culture I wish to spend most of my days there and free access to the other side of my state, where too lies memories of my parents and those nice people of whom my parents often remembered and talked high and were grateful so was my better half for saving the life of his maternal grandfather I want state as existed before partition LAAM HOON NAAY KHAATAA ki, SAADEEUOON NAAY SAAZAA PAAYEE. |
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