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DSEJ makes transfer orders public | After SIC's orders | | Early Times Report
Jammu, Aug 14: After orders from State Information Commission (SIC), the Directorate of School Education Jammu (DSEJ) has started making all the orders related to transfer and postings of masters public through its official website. The State Information Commission (SIC) has issued a direction to DSEJ few months ago for making all the promotion and transfer orders of staff members particularly Masters working in education department public through its official website. Details available with Early Times reveal that an information seeker namely Vilakshana Singh advocate had filed an application under J&K RTI Act 2009 before PIO in the office of Directorate of School Education Jammu (DSEJ). Information seeker wanted details about promotion and transfer of masters of some districts in Jammu division. The PIO, Directorate of School Education Department, Jammu failed to provide information within stipulated time in respect of RTI application filed on 09-12-2015. That after filling first appeal, appellant received information from PIO on 19-02-2016, which was incomplete and sent after delay of more than 70 days. The First appeal was filed before First Appellate Authority (FAA), Directorate of School Education, Jammu on 29-01-0216 which was decided until case landed in State Information Commission (SIC). That PIO not supplied any information in respect of points 3-6 of application on the plea that said information was to be collected from concerned Chef Education Officers (CEO's). Appellant Vilashkana Singh further submitted before SIC that information sought in respect of points 3-6 should otherwise be available in the Directorate of School Education, Jammu as the masters are promoted and transferred by Director, School Education and not by Chief Education Officers. Appellant has made a prayer that PIO be directed to provide complete information in respect of points 3-6 and penalty be imposed on him for causing delay in providing incomplete information. Appellant has also prayed that Director, School Education, Jammu be directed under Section 16(9)(a) of the J&K RTI Act, 2009 to keep a record of the place of postings of Masters and other employees who are promoted and transferred by the order of Director, School Education, Jammu. The Joint Director/FAA, Directorate of School Education, Jammu, Personal Officer/PIO, Directorate of School Education, Jammu and the appellant Vilakshana Singh were heard by SIC via video conferencing from Jammu office of the Commission on May 31st 2016 . The case was earlier heard on 03-05-2016, Farrukh Qazi, PIO, Directorate of School Education was asked to explain his absence in hearing on 03-05-2016 and also directed to file reply/counter statement to the appeal. In compliance, Personnel Officer/PIO, Directorate of School Education, Jammu filed explanation/reply dated: 30-05-2016, submitting that information sought by the appellant has been provided to him vide letter dated: 19-02-2016, comprising of 45 pages. Also appeal has been decided by FAA (Joint Director) on 24-03-2016 with direction to PIO to provide rest of the information, which has been provided to the information seeker. With regard to non-appearance of PIO before the Commission, PIO submitted that he was busy in connection with tour of Hon'ble Chief Minister to Jammu, hence could not attend the Commission. His explanation was accepted as one time exeption and SIC warned him to be careful in future. Appellant Vilashkana Singh submitted that in respect point 3, information for Samba and Poonch Districts have not been provided to him. PIO informed that information from Samba District have been collected and shall be provided to the appellant at the conclusion of hearing. As regards information of Poonch District, FAA submitted that it shall be provided within one week. FAA further informed that all Chief Education Officers were asked to provide information to the appellant, vide letter dated: 06-02-2016. SIC order 31.5.2016 reads as: "Commission has taken a serious note that in-spite of two adjournments, PIO has not provided complete information. Therefore, PIO, Directorate of School Education, Jammu is directed to provide said information within 10 days. Commission agrees with the plea of appellant that information in respect of points 3-6 should have been in the Directorate of School Education, Jammu, as promotions and transfers of masters are made by the Directorate of School Education, Jammu and not by the CEO's. Ordinarily such type of information should be placed in the public domain as it gets covered under the provisions of Section 4 of the Act. Also suo moto disclosure of information with regard to promotions and transfers would reduce the workload of public authority. In view of the above, Director, School Education, Jammu is directed to put in public domain all promotion/transfer orders, which are done within the ambit of Directorate of School Education, Jammu within one month and a compliance report be filed to the Commission accordingly. Registry to mark copy of this order to Commissioner/Secretary, Education Department, Civil Secretariat, J&K". As per details available on DSEJ website as many as 358 masters have been transferred by the Directorate on August 12th and all the orders have been made public through the website. Earlier these orders were hardly made public as officials in the directorate were allegedly taking bribes for these transfers. |
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