Early Times Report
Jammu, Sept 2: Commissioner Secretary to Govt, Housing & Urban Development Department Hirdesh Kumar (IAS) today took review of Jammu Municipal Corporation in the Conference Hall of Jammu Municipal Corporation wherein Commissioner, JMC, Manmohan Singh (KAS) gave power point presentation of functioning of each section. The Commissioner/Secretary stressed for preparation of DPRs which have been proposed under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT). He further asked the Engineering Wing of JMC to complete the developmental works on war footing basis. He also directed Health & Sanitation Wing to pay special attention towards maintaining proper sanitation in the City and stressed that Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) targets and IEC components should be the main focus of JMC. He further suggested for exploring some place which could be developed and utilized for keeping stray animals. He further asked Jammu Municipal Corporation to rehabilitate the slum dwellers at Sunjwan where dwelling units have been constructed by Jammu Municipal Corporation under Basic Scheme for Urban Poor (BSUP). The meeting was also attended by R.S. Jamwal (KAS), Joint Commissioner (A), Neeraj Gupta (KAS), Chief Accounts Officers, Ranjit Singh (KAS), Secretary, Subah Mehta (KAS), Asstt. Commissioner (Rev.), Kushal Chand, Joint Commissioner (Works), A.K. Vaid, Supdt. Engineer, UEED, Dr. Saleem Khan, Health Officer, Dr. Jaswant Singh, MVO, Jeet Lal, Dy. Director (Planning), Harinder Arora, Sr. Town Planner, Executive Engineers (C)/(T) & (E), Chief Enforcement Officers etc. |