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United Nations; Mirage or Reality | | | Bharat Anand
The United Nations was estab lished on 22 October 1945 to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war and to build a structure of World Peace. In the United Nations System the primary responsibility for maintaining the international peace and security rests with the Security Council. At presently, constituted the Security Council consists of 15 members including 5 permanent members ( U.S, Russia, China , France , UK ). In case , the Security Council determines," the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of peace or act of aggression", it can decide what measures need to be taken to maintain or restore international peace and security including sanctions and enforcement measures like it did against Iraqi aggression over Kuwait or long back against north Korean aggression over South Korea. However, all decisions of the Security Council, on matters ''other than procedural (including sanctions or enforcement measures) must be made with concurring or affirmative votes of all five permanent members i.e, five great powers or weapon powers. It means that five major military powers have a veto on security council decisions relating to vital questions of War and Peace. Now, it is obvious that no aggression anywhere can seriously balance the peace of the world unless it is backed up by one or more of the great or nuclear powers. And where such is the case, UNO charged with the responsibility to maintain peace would inevitably be paralyzed by the veto of the involved or concerned powers. It is time that in Korea and in case of Iraqi aggression against Kuwait the security council ,did not act decisively however, it an open secret that in Korea the UN Security Council was able to act because ,at that time,the rival Soviet Union boycotting the proceeding the council so that the US sponsored proposal for Enforcement measures {motivated by Geo- American Geo- strategic interest} got through. In Iraq gulf war the Security council acted on account of rear great power unanimity following the end of cold war. Thus, in the twin cases, security council action followed either from a change event{ Soviet absence in the Council or under the pressure of the perceived interest of the great powers and not of a global consensus or concern for peace. Not only this after the disintergration of Soviet Union we can quote so many instance where one can easily see the dysfunctionalism within the world largest body created for world peace and prosperity. Hence, it emerges that in real terms, the United Nations is more an instrument of great power diplomacy than a structure for the promotion or establishment of lasting. In this context one can quote the example of United states when recently US vetoed 32 resolutions that were against Israel. Similarly , after post surgical strikes by the Indian armed forces across LOC and the Chinese rejection of India's bid to place JeM Chief Azhar Masood on the 1267 sanctions list that would subject him to asset freeze and ban on travel. Interestingly, it is pertinent to mention here that China was the only member in the 15 nation UN organ to put hold on India's application despite the fact this application was endorsed by all other 14 members of the Security Council . Beside these two recent cases one can quote in innumerable instances of helplessness of this highest body of the world which was created to usher peace in the world. The members of the security council must understand the gravity of the seriousness and threat to global peace by putting aside whatever is political Interest and political agenda they may have… thus the possibility of an effective action in any global aggression worth clearly ruled out. Moreover, the united nations has neither the power nor the resources to promote the socio-economic and cultural bases of peace within the member nations, for it cannot interfere in their domestic affairs. Hence, it is that in respect of such vital global issues as decolonization or the promotion of human rights. It had only a marginal or advisory roles. In a vastly modified form, it may play a significant role in establishing peace. But, on present indications where all major powers who themselves in one way or other way encouraging and supporting terrorism on the one side and arms race on the other side do not seriously want to see peace and peaceful world order, there is little possibility of world organization undergoing any major structural or other changes in the near future. Writer is Associate Professor at G.C.W. Parade, Jammu |
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