Early Times Report JAMMU, Oct 12: Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI), Shimla-a regional research institute of Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehra Dun under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF) organized one day "State Consultation meeting with the Stakeholders for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Rejuvenation of Rivers Chenab, Ravi and Jhelum through Forestry Interventions" here today. About 50 participants from the line departments viz Forest, Agriculture, Horticulture, Soil & Water Conservation, Animal Husbandry and representatives of various research institutes of repute and universities viz. SKUAST, National Institute of Hydrology, Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM) and National Institute of Technology attended the significant meeting organized for the rejuvenation of the rivers of Indus basin. Dr. Mohit Gera (PCCF &HoFF) J&K Forest Department was the Chief Guest and Sameer Bhati, CCF Jammu, J&K Forest Department was Guest of Honor. At the outset, Samuel Changkija, CF , Jammu( East) Welcomed the Chief Guest, Delegates from various departments and agencies, Stakeholders and also explained the socio- cultural, ecological and religious significance of the vast Chenab river basin across the states of Himachal Pradesh, J&K . This was followed by the formal welcome address of the Dr. Sher Singh Samant, Director, Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla. He said that Institute concurrently working on the preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of five rivers of J&K and Himachal Pradesh viz. Chenab, Jhelum, Ravi, Beas and Satluj. He informed that the relevant recommendations and suggestions of various stakeholders will be included in the preparation of DPR of five Rivers. In his inaugural address Dr. Mohit Gera highlighted the importance of river rejuvenation through forestry intervention and underscored the fact that Canopy cover of the forests play a key role in increasing the infiltration, reducing the soil erosion, habit management and finally leads to improving the quality and quantity of water in the river ecosystems. He further said that this assignment of DPR preparation for the main tributaries of the Indus Basin is complex and requires the multi-sectoral approach and inclusive& integrated role by various agencies. He presented the overview of the task ahead very meticulously and assured the implementing agency full cooperation and support from the field functionaries of the J&K Forest Depatt. This was followed by a comprehensive presentation by Dr. P.K. Mathur, Consultant DPR-Indus Basin, Ex-Dean Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun. He emphasized the concept of the landscape, conation of the river connectivity and diverse aspects of the river ecology about the Himalayan Rivers. He also explained in detail about the spectrum of the rich biodiversity in the Indus basin and underlined the factors of the degradation of the rivers in this region. He stressed the need for deliberations for identifications of various landscape, hotspots of biodiversity and habitat management. During technical session Assistant Chief Technical Officer, Ashwani Kumar, Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla gave a Power Point Presentation about the background and general information about DPR preparation of River Chenab. He also discussed the methodology of filling the formats for the baseline information of DPR. Chief Technical Officer, Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla Savita Kumari Banyal, also gave a comprehensive Power Point presentation about the background and general information about DPR preparation of River Ravi. Chief Technical Officer, Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla Dr. Joginder Singh Chauhan, explained the background and general information of DPR preparation of River Jhelum through power point presentation. During the plenary session, different issues and aspects about the DPR of Chenab, Jhelum and Ravi were discussed threadbare by the experts and stakeholders and strategy was formulated for the work ahead. In the end, Conservator of forests, Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla Satya Prakash Negi, thanked the Chief Guest, Guest of Honors and other representatives of various departments, Institutions and participants for attending this important meeting and for giving their valuable suggestions and recommendations which will definitely be useful in the preparations of the DPR of Chenab, Jhelum and Ravi Rivers. He especially thanked Samuel Changkija, CF, East Circle Jammu, J&K Forest Department for providing help and support during the organization of such important meeting. |