JKSECA highlights issues, demands early redressal | | | Early Times Report Jammu, Nov 27: J&K School Education Clerical Employees Association highlighted long pending issues of the non teaching fraternity in press conference under the chairmanship of Babu Hussain Malik, President, J&K Clerical Employees Association alongwith the Provincial President of School Education of Jammu Province Ansuyia Gupta. Babu Hussain Malik and Ansuyia Gupta appealed to every Government employees of school education Deptt (Non-Teaching Employees) to join the programme and to fight in every corner for betterment of employees and again requests Government to resolve all the pending issues of employees at an earliest. "We are appointed as Jr. Asstt. by the different Govt, orders in the session 1984 and 1985 and then promoted as Sr. Asstt. in 2003, 2005.They are not promoted in next grade in the 17 years. Highlighting the fact that clerical staff of education Department i.e Junior Asstt. Senior Asstt and Head Asstt. remained deprived off and discriminated with regard to their demands," they said. |