Early Times Report JAMMU, Apr 7: In a bid to control the spread of the deadly Coronavirus, BJP leaders Pankaj Basotra and Chetan Wanchoo distributed free ration and other eatables among the needy at Kabir Nagar,Talab Tillo during the India-wide lockdown. BJP leaders said that the crisis of Corona is global, which we Indians are fighting with full vigor. The visionary leadership of the respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji, in this fight against Corona and our unity motivates us to deal with this crisis. There is a time for trouble, but we are Indians and we are together. Together we have defeated every trouble. A little restraint and understanding will get us out of this trouble. Speaking on the occasion, BJP Leaders said that Corona virus has created chaos not only in J&K but also in the country and the world. In which the crisis has arisen in front of the daily wage workers. But in the hour of such a disaster, if we worry about the poor sections around us, this is also not less than patriotism. They further said in the challenging circumstances, all people of the country must abide by the directions of the government and the Administration. They urged residents to stay indoors to help stop the virus and asked that people marked as possible COVID-19 patients, pending tests, not be stigmatised by their neighbours. |