Jammu, Apr 21: Even as Left-Liberals avail every opportunity to attack Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath but sometime due to good work of UP Chief Minister even his critic could not control them to praise him. Two-day back, CPM leader, Mohammad Yosuf Tarigami indirectly praised UP Chief Minister for bringing back stranded people of his State. Although Tarigami avoided naming Yogi Adityanath, he mentioned UP government instead. “Decision of the Uttar Pradesh government to send 250 buses to pick up about 9,000 stranded students and drop them to their native districts from Kota in Rajasthan must be replicated by J&K administration to bring back the stranded people across the country, especially north India”, Tarigami demanded in a handout issued two days back. Left-Liberals, across the country, have habit of unnecessary criticizing Yogi despite the fact as Chief Minister of India’s largest State UP, he has proved himself as successful administrator.