JAMMU, June): In a petition filed by Bhawana Verma, wife of Vinay Kumar Sharma, Superintendent of Police, Anti-Narcotic Task Force (ANTF), J&K, Jammu seeking direction to restraining the respondents from relieving the applicant from the Government High School, Kalu Chack, Jammu in violation of Government Order dated 22.12. 2015. In the petition filed by Adv Pranav Kohli appearing for the applicant submitted that applicant's spouse/ husband namely Vinay Kumar Sharma is in Police Department and has served in militancy prone area, supervised anti-militancy operations. Recently he was serving as SP Operations, Jammu followed by his another posting as Superintendent of Police City (South), Jammu and at present has been posted as Superintendent of Police, Anti-Narcotic Task Force, J&K, and Jammu and in view of various posting and nature of official duties performed by the husband of the applicant, the whole family has been facing serious threat to their life as the applicants husband has remained instrumental in elimination / arrest of Terrorists and in recovery of ammunitions. A Bench of Central Administrative Tribunal comprising Judicial Member Rakesh Sagar Jain and Administrative Member Pardeep Kumar, considering the arguments of the applicant that due to her husband being involved in anti-terrorist activities and that she is facing specific threat from the militants, directed respondents to consider the representation within seven days. JNF