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Corona instruct to re-define our self | | | Mahadeepsingh Jamwal
The public mind has got the feeling that origination of the corona is embedded in China. But there is uncertainty about several aspects of the Covid-19 origin story that scientists are trying hard to unravel. The devastating spread of the deadly corona virus has triggered a conspiracy theory on social media: what if the virus was really a biological weapon? And more specifically, was it an experimental weapon that accidentally escaped from a laboratory in China? Such opinion makers might have gone through the book written by two Chinese colonels titled as: “Unrestricted Warfare” in 1999, about warfare in the age of globalization. The book carefully explores strategies that militarily and politically disadvantaged nations might take in order to successfully attack a geopolitical super-powers. The Corona Virus may be one of the strategies explained in the book. History instructs us that during the past century, more than 500 million people died of infectious diseases. Several tens of thousands of these deaths were due to the deliberate release of pathogens. If we carry us to 1925, international treaty ‘The 1925 Geneva Protocol’ outlawed biological weapons in 1925. The use of chemical and biological weapons in war was prohibited but Google tells us that it was used mostly by the Japanese during their attacks on China during the Second World War (1939-45). Reportedly after Second World War, the world had been in ruins. The shared sufferings after World War Second, lead to the foundation and creation of many organizations at the international level. In 1945, United Nations Organization was founded to maintain worldwide peace and and security, to develop relations among nations, fostering cooperation between nations in order to solve economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian international problems. In 1946, International Court of Justice (ICJ) was created to settle disputes between states and to give advisory opinions on international legal issues referred to it by the UN. Through its opinions and rulings, it serves as a source of international law. In 1948, came ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)’ to protect universally the fundamental human rights and recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world as its preamble. As the ‘The 1925 Geneva Protocol’ was confined to the parameter of using biological weapons and not possession thereof as such; a new instrument to supplement the 1925 Geneva Protocol, a Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) also called as Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, (BTWC), multilateral disarmament treaty banning the production of an entire category of weapons came into existence in 1972. At present what important is adaptability as to be secure from being infected by this corona virus. The devastation caused by the Corona Pandemic across the international boundaries is something beyond all previous experience of natural disaster or any such disease transmission loss. Across the globe, the Covid-19 outbreak is causing considerable human suffering. The Corona Pandemic instructs global nations to have some shared treaties and international policies for the cause of humanity in a new scenario. Most required is a humanistic approach to takeout the populace from present impasse by shedding personal agendas, political agendas, and supremacy competition among various leaders of the world, that are taking the world populace to a point of destruction for their personal goal. The forced isolation of the general populace has brought into expose various cracks in the Government structure but this should now be taken as an opportunity to fill these cracks. The government must strengthen public healthcare infrastructure. Normal life of people is likely to be redefined in post-corona virus phase but not in the way like UP by cutting the rights of the labor class another nail in the coffin of this fraternity by bringing an ordinance as a blanket suspension of labor laws that will leave no social security, health security and fund security of labor. We require enacting a federal law for the migrant workers with more teeth to save this fraternity from the work exploitation in the hands of the employer. There’s a lot unknown about how the world will transform after we get the novel corona virus under control, but it is extremely unlikely that things will just go back to exactly the way they were before. In a post-corona virus world, we will need human ingenuity to invent, dream up new products and ways of working. Human creativity is going to be essential. Someone that is going to succeed in a post-corona virus-world will need to be able to adapt to ever-evolving workplaces and have the ability to continuously update and refresh their skills. The reality is that technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of things, virtual and augmented reality, and robotics will make businesses more resilient to future world and anyone that can help companies exploit these technologies will be in a great position. We ought to focus especially on systemic failures much seen by sensible society and seen in a number of long-form journalistic pieces that are offering narrative accounts of what went wrong such as: insufficient preparation, slowness by self styled Demi-Gods, self propagation, lack of co-ordination and regulatory failures, among many other factors requiring corrective measures. The fascinating cityscape plans like smart cities, Bullet Trains, Dream of becoming ‘Vishav Guru’, moving to 5 Trillion Economy, doubling the farmers’ income by 2022 and vote catching phrases required to be dumped till the revival of economy slated to be moving to negative. |
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