JAMMU, July 3: A programme of Gayatri Mantra chanting was organized at village Pratap Singh Pura (Lalayana). The programme was held on the directions of state president BJP Mahila Morcha Sangeeta Dogra, and was supervised by BJP district president R S Pura Mahila Morcha Praveen Kumari. About 150 women took part in this programme who chanting Gayatri Mantra to protect the world from the corona pandemic. On this occasion, District President BJP Mahila Morcha R S Pura, Praveen Kumari said that we are conducting Gayatri Mantra chanting programme from July 1 to July 7 on the directions of J&K BJP Mahila Morcha President Sangeeta Dogra, qaddiing that it is organized in various blocks and panchayats. |