Early Times Report Jammu, July 16: Corporator Neelam Nargotra, District President Munish Khajuria, Corporator Sanjay Baru and Mandal President Keshav Chopra started construction works of the lane in Durga Nagar. The funds for the construction of lane were sanctioned on the efforts of Former MLA Sat Sharma (CA) through his recommendation and the works were initiated by BJP Leader Sahil Koul. The works will be done under the supervision of JMC at an estimated cost of Rupees 9 lakhs. Speaking on the occasion, Munish Khajuria said that Jammu West under the leadership of Former MLA Sat Sharma has progressed a lot towards development and in nearly last five years, the infrastructural development pertaining to roads, setting up of new transformers, replacing old water pipes with fresh ones, construction of community halls, up-gradation works of cremation grounds, construction of lanes and drains and other works were kept on priority in all 26 wards of Jammu West. Neelam Nargotra, Sanjay Baru and Keshav Chopra also spoke on the occasion. Makson Tickoo, Paramjit Kour, Bubesh Sharma, Rahul Nargotra, DN Bhat, TN Pandita, AK Bhat and others were present. |