Jammu, July 27: Kisan Sabha today condoled the demise of S. Hari Singh former Sarpanch of Sei-RS Pura panchayat, who was also secretary of Sabha. According to press release, President of Kisan Sabha, Adv Hari Chand Jalmeria held a meeting with vice presidents Udey Chand, Syed Rafiq Shah, Dr. Ghanisham Singh Charak, Balwant Kalotra, HS Lalotra, Master Swarn Singh and other leaders including Dewan Chand(Gen Secretary), Bharat Jamwal, Mohinder Singh, Chuni Lal Mistri, Pt Tek Chand, Ravi Kumar, Romesh Singh, Kuldip Singh, Ravi Singh, Rashpal Singh, Hari Chan Miyan, Joginder Singh, Krishan Verma. The members expressed shock over the death and termed Hari Singh as a dedicated Kisan leader. |