Jammu, Dec 10: Demanding enhancement in cash relief a protest was held by Jagti Tenement Committee (JTC), Soan Kashmir Front (SKF) today. Leading the protestors, Shadi Lal Pandita said they have been protesting in Jagti township for 70th days but the government is not meeting our demands. “We would like to inform the government that the monthly cash Relief of Kashmiri migrant relief holders is very low as one Member of migrant relief holder getting only Rs. 3,250, two members family is getting Rs.6,500, three members family is getting Rs. 9,750 and a four members family gets Rs 13,000 only which is very low in this inflation”, he said, adding that the last six years have been very expensive due to which the expenses of the migrants are not been meet so that the monthly cash relief of relief holders should be increased from Rs 13,000 to Rs 25,000 for per family per month immediately. Pandita said Kashmiri pandit migrant educated unemployed youth are worried and their lives have become difficult. “We demand that a Job be given to those houses /families in which no family member has got a job till date. There are many families in our community who have not been able to teach their children other than matriculation due to deportation for them at least 5000 class 4th jobs should be given”, he added. Pandita said that Kashmiri pandit youth want to go in Police force the JTC, SKF appealed to the Director General of Police that Kashmiri Pandit unemployed youths should be recruited on the spot in Jagti township and other migrant camps and non-camps.