Early Times Report SRINAGAR, Feb 16: The Indian Air Force (IAF) will operate two sorties to airlift passengers between cut off Kargil and Srinagar on Tuesday while 61 passengers, including eight infants, were airlifted between Kargil and Jammu on Monday, officials said. They said Kargil Courier will operate two sorties between Kargil and Srinagar today to airlift the stranded passengers from both sides. Officials said that Kargil courier of IAF aiflited 61 passengers, including eight infants two sorties on Monday. They said 29 passengers were airlifted from Kargil to Jammu and 32 from Jammu to Kargil. After the closure of the national highway, the only road connecting Union Territory (UT) of Ladakh with Kashmir valley, Kargil remained cut off since January Ist, this year. Meanwhile, despite below freezing temperatures, construction work on a tunnel at Zojila is going on to make it an all weather road. |