JAMMU, Mar 3: Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) Jammu Mahanagar announced its unit for Govt. MAM PG College for the session 2021-22. The team was announced by Akshay Pardhan, Mahanagar Secretary in a meeting wherein Mukesh Manhas, State Secretary was the chief guest. On the occasion, Verinder Singh Manyal was elected as President while Tandeep Singh as Secretary of the college unit. Bhawani Singh Salathiya nominated as college convenor and Suhani Jamwal nominated as all departments’ incharge. Bharat Thakur, Manish, Aman Jandyal, Neeraj Thakur, Anand Singh, Aryan Singh as Vice-Presidents & Jhanvi, Samarth, Anchal Balgotra, Pradyuman, Navneet, Sahil, Anish Bhagat, Hari Om as Joint Secretaries. Himanshu Chouhan nominated as Hostel President. Sudhanshu and Ritika as Student For Seva Convenor and Co-convenor, Sushil and Mandeep as Student For Development Convenor and Co-convener respectively. Ansriya Rani and Tamandeep Singh as Rashtriya Kala Manch convenor and Co-convener. Nihal, Avatar, Sunil all are nominated as BSc, BA, BBA incharges. Aditya Sharma, Pratima Kumari, Kritika Sharma, Dhruv, Sahil, Rimple, Lovemeet are the executive members. Akash Bhagat, Joint Secretary Jammu Mahanagar was also present on the occasion.