Jammu, Mar 17: Tata Motors, India’s leading automotive brand, today launched its premium flagship SUV – the all-new Safari at a starting price of INR 14.69 lakhs (ex-showroom Jammu) for the 6/7 seaterin Jammu City. In a launch ceremony held at the Fairdeal Motors, an authorized dealer of Tata Motors in presence of Mr. Himanshu Bassi (Regional Manager Tata Motors), Mr. Anil Jasrotia & Jagbir Dahiya from Tata Motors along with General Manager Chander Singh Katoch, unveil the Safari in its new avatar. With its plush interiors, state-of-the-art connectivity and premium features, the Safari not just blends in but ups the lifestyle quotient several notches higher. With the introduction of the ‘Adventure’ persona, customers have more choice to select the Safari that best complements their individual personality to ‘Reclaim Your Life’.”The Safari is extremely versatile, delivering great comfort and assurance, be it intra city commute, expressway cruising or the un-explored paths in the hinterland. With a powerful 2.0 litre turbocharged Kryotech engine and its 2741 mm wheelbase, the Safari will come with signature Oyster White Interiors paired with the Ashwood finish dashboard, a majestic panoramic sunroof, along with 6 and 7-seater options, which will come with an 8.8-inch floating island infotainment system. As with all Tata Motors products, the Safari consists of a variety of safety features such as all disc brakes, electronic parking brake and an advanced ESP with 14 functionalities. Coupled with the Boss Mode providing enhanced ride comfort, the Safari sure does give the executive customers a living room style ride experience. Furthermore, the vehicle will be available in additional colour options of Daytona Grey, Tropical Mist and Orcus White along with the signature Royal Blue. Taking the style quotient a little higher, the newly introduced ‘Adventure’ persona will come with R18 black tinted charcoal grey machined alloys and an all piano black finish in its grille, roof rails inserts, outer door handles along with a Safari mascot placement on the bonnet. On the interiors, the ‘Adventure’ persona looks plush with signature earthy brown interiors, dark chrome interior accents on air vents, knob, switches, inner door handle and instrument cluster along with a piano black interior pack on steering wheel, grab handles, floor console frame and IP mid pad finisher. The all-new Safari will be available in nine variants, starting from XE and going up to the XZA+. |