Early Times Report JAMMU, Apr 11: Junior DPS, a prodigy of Choudhary Charitable Trust, had a grand opening of its school in Trikuta Nagar on Sunday. The occasion was honoured by Dr Panna Manhas Choudhary, Nagar Choudhary and leading board members along with proud parents. The programme implemented an experiential curriculum to prepare students for the world beyond tomorrow. It was followed by an ice-breaking session and other fun-learning games for kids. The parents were updated regarding the safety precautions for their child during pandemic. The new build included fully Air Conditioned centre and other infrastructure details like Audio-Visual Room, Activity Room, Gym area and a separate Dining Area. It will accommodate up to 300 plus pupils. Principal said: "In an effective classroom, students should not only know what they are doing, they should also know why and how." |