SRINAGAR, Apr 20: The Crime Branch (CB) Kashmir on Tuesday produced charge sheet against a man from Bamlora Ganderbal for fraudulently obtaining Rs 16 lakh under the garb of providing government job to an aspirant. The chargesheet was produced in case FIR No 21/2013 U/ 420, 468,471 RPC before the Court of Forest 3rd Civil Subordinate Judge Srinagar against Muzaffar Ahmad Shah son of Shams Ud Din Shah of Bamlora Ganderbal, a Crime Branch Kashmir said “The Crime Branch Kashmir received a complaint endorsed by Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate Srinagar Inter alia alleging that the accused Muzaffar Ahmad Shah has deceitfully and fraudulently obtained an amount of Rs 16 lakhs from the complainant under the garb of providing government job,” the official said, adding, “During the course of investigation it was found that the accused has induced the complainant to pay an amount of Rs 16 lakhs from him on the pretext of providing government job to the complainant, however the accused provided fake appointment orders.” These acts on part of the accused prima facie discloses commission of offences Punishable U/S 420, 468, 471, RPC and accordingly the instant case (FIR No.21/2013) was registered, the official added. |