JAMMU, June 4: Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) Corporator Pritam singh today kick started blacktopping work at Hari Vihar colony in Ward No 55 at the cost of Rs 10 lakh. The blacktopping work was inaugurated by Pritam Singh in presence of Jankar Singh, Balbir Singh, Vicky Chib, Parshotam Khajuria, RS Sodi, Anil Choudhary, Malkit Choudhary and other prominent citizens of Ward No 55. The work is being executed by the Public Works Department. Later, Pritam along with AEE and JE also visited Ward-55 and its surrounding localities, met with the locals, who put forth various issues of public importance such as construction/renovation of pending lanes and drains, blacktopping of the main roads as well as interior lanes, etc. Pritam Singh gave them a patient hearing and assured them that all their genuine demands be redressed in a time-bound manner. The people thanked Pritam Singh, AEE and JE for listening to the issues regarding developmental works whether it was lanes, drains or roads and for ensuring them that all the pending developmental work of the ward will be completed soon. |