Early Times Report JAMMU, Aug 28: Over three dozen people today joined the Apni Party from Jammu's Subash Nagar area. The joining program was organised by Dr Rohit Gupta, provincial secretary, Jammu in which many people joined the Apni Party. Prominent among those who joined Apni Party includes Devender Singh Jamwal retd district agriculture officer, Gandeep Singh Chib contested candidate municipality election, Bihari Lal Koul retired lecturer education department Avtar Singh, Hardeep Singh, Sher Singh Chib, Manoj Bali, Bhanu Singh, Deepu Sharma, Karan Khajuria, Lokesh Kumar, Dalip Chib, Paramjit, Anil Sharma, Tarsem Singh, Jeetender Jamwal, Bholla, Jassi, Banni Chopra, Sanchit Kapoor, Raju, Sunil and others. Speaking on the occasion, Rohit Gupta expressed concern over the traffic menace in Subash Nagar which has resulted in traffic jam for hours. He said that traffic police have never come there to streamline vehicular traffic. He said that the illegally and unauthorized Rehris behind Govt. Quarters at Subash Nagar have further added to chaos and jam on the road sides which not only hamper smooth traffic flow but also cause problems for the people. He demanded removal of the illegal rehri zone in Sarwal. He also condemned Jammu Municipal Corporation for making open dumping places near a religious place close to the Govt. Quarters at Subash Nagar. He said that the Corporation should have a dumping zone for garbage away from the residential areas. He further expressed concern over unscheduled power cuts and irregular drinking water supply has created problems in daily life of the people in Subash Nagar. He said that the unscheduled power curtailment should end. "The drinking water supply should be uninterrupted and regular," he demanded. |