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The Power Of Kindness | | | Anushka Jaiswal, Ujjain
To quote Albert Einstein ‘Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile’, kindness is something beyond a value, beyond a moral lesson to be learnt in a class. November 13, also recognised as World Kindness Day, is celebrated to highlight good deeds in the community focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness for good which binds us. ‘Unexpected Kindness is the most powerful, least costly and most underrated agent of human change’, quoted Bob Kerry. Remember the day when a stranger came out of nowhere and helped you when you had lost all the hope. Also remember the day when you being completely selfless helped a stranger. Physical aid and donations do a lot of help to the people and other living beings. Keeping water containers for animals, giving leftover food to the needy, may be small acts of kindness but creates an huge impact. When you fail to have sufficient money to help others, you can help people by speaking kind words away from malevolence and ill will. When you’re unable to help verbally, you can be kind by thinking optimistically and altruistically. People, as a result of being in some bad circumstances, often refuse to forgive themselves believing they don’t deserve it. What they often forget is that some mistakes though are far from reversible yet can bring a revolutionary change when not repeated throughout the remaining period of life. Today, we go through every thick and thin to fulfil our desires but what we are ignorant about is that life is more than merely achieving goals. Be kind enough to forgive yourself for every mistake you did and forgive others too. Be kind enough to prevent yourself from falling prey to every external impediment and choose your own peace of mind. No act of kindness, no matter how small, ever gets wasted. There are instances when a small act done out of whole heart changes your way of thinking and acting for the rest of life. Parents and guardians wish their children to pursue every nice thing people appreciate and avoid every terrible thing people disapprove so that their world will be full of peace, happiness and there will be absenteeism of defame. But everyone must be taught that any action taken out of kindness is done with no expectation of return. The proof of the pudding is in eating. It is no use watching and praising people when they act benevolently. More and more people should come forward and inspire others to take similar steps. Kindness when learnt from others stays forever. The Lord himself is very kind to all living entities because they are his sons. Arjuna who resisted to fight his own members of family, was a kind and soft-hearted person, in the devotional service of the Lord and was fit to receive self-knowledge. Kindness is not a weakness that melt your heart when you meet sorrowful people and commiserate with them but it is a strength that doesn’t let you fall to that decadent level where you can be your worse. A man without kindness is same as a man without soul. Absence of kindness slowly but gradually defies one of wisdom, breeds insensitivity without being in the knowledge of person and ultimately creates animosity towards others. |
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