New Delhi, Dec 12: Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana on Sunday launched an e-learning initiative by the southwest district of the police force to help educate youths and impart skill training to school dropouts from the weaker sections of society, officials said. The e-learning platform, ‘Unnati’, was launched at the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Auditorium here under the Delhi Police’s flagship scheme ‘YUVA’. ‘YUVA’ is aimed at helping the youth, especially those from the weaker sections of society, and school dropouts get an education and acquire skills to realise their dreams of a secure future, the officials said. Through the e-learning platform, these youngsters will be inspired to enrol and choose the programme of their choice, they said. The ‘Unnati’ portal has a very simple design. Anyone can learn from anywhere using a laptop, desktop, tablet or simply a mobile phone, they said. The platform provides training, counselling and placement to trainees. Recordings of live sessions are also available online in case someone misses a class, the officials said. Speaking on the occasion, Asthana lauded the initiative. Every year, over 1.5 lakh people are arrested by the Delhi Police for various crimes. More than 85 per cent of them are first-timers and only 10-15 per cent are repeat offenders, he said. Initiatives like ‘YUVA’ and ‘Unnati’ target these 85 per cent people so that they can get a fresh shot at life and join the mainstream as builders of society, he added. On the successful completion of an e-learning course, a certificate will be awarded to the students that will help them in getting placements, Delhi Police PRO Chinmoy Biswal said. The courses offered include digital literacy course comprising basic computer courses and typing training, preparatory courses for competitive exams and sports courses, among others, he said. The ‘Unnati’ placement cell has also been set up, he added. On the occasion, Asthana also felicitated ‘YUVA’ trainees who have got jobs and are supporting their families, the officials said. |