Early Times Report JAMMU, Mar 8: In much publicized revenue raid case City Judge Jammu Manjeet Rai rejected the bail application of one Sushil Kumar Sharma, Patwari Halqa Gharota who was arrested by the SIT. The court observed that while granting bail in a non-bailable offence should take into account the various considerations, such as nature and seriousness of the evidence, the character of the evidence, circumstances which are peculiar to the accused, a reasonable possibility of the presence of the accused not being secured at trial, reasonable apprehension of the witnesses being tampered with, the larger interests of the public and the state, similarly other consideration which arise when the court is asked for bail in a non-bailable offence. It is further held that if the offence is of a kind in which bail should not be granted considering its seriousness the court should refuse the bail. |