Early Times Report SRINAGAR, Mar 11: J&K police on Friday claimed to have arrested a Village Level Worker (VLW) who was indulging in narcotic smuggling in Kupwara and recovered Brown sugar from him. Police said during the preceding night at about 2030 hours a narcotic smuggler identified Gulzar Ahmad Baba, a VLW of village Kawari Laderwan Awoora from Rigipora area of frontier Kashmir district of Kupwara. During searches 21 grams of Brown Sugar was recovered from him. During preliminary investigations, Gulzar has revealed that he was on way to sell narcotics in small quantities among the youth of Kupwara, police said. Further investigations in the case to unearth this drugs syndicate is in progress. Gulzar is a known peddler who in the garb of government employment is stealthily involved in drug peddling in the area, police added. |