SRINAGAR, Mar 11: Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) caught a Sales Tax Inspector red-handed accepting a bribe of Rs three lakh here today. ACB had they received a written complaint that the Inspector of Sales Tax Department, Khalid Bashir Tantray, was demanding Rs 3 lakh bribe for setting right records pertaining to Internal Audit Report of the Sales Tax Department, Srinagar. The complainant, who is running a business unit, was facing a penalty of Rs 14 lakh from the Sales Tax Department. “On receipt of the complaint, a case was registered against FIR No. 09/2022 U/S 7 PC Act 1988 and the investigation was taken up. During the course of the investigation, a trap team was constituted. The team caught Khalid Bashir Tantray, Inspector, Sales Tax Department, Srinagar, red-handed demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 3 lakh from the complainant,” ACB said. Further investigation into the case was on. |