agencies JAGDISHPUR (BIHAR), Apr 23: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set a target of making India number one in the world by 2047, when the nation celebrates the centenary of its Independence. Shah was here to attend a function held in the memory of the Revolt of 1857 hero Veer Kunwar Singh, which was marked by more than 77,000 BJP workers waving the tricolour, together, for five minutes. The feat went down in the annals of history as the previous record, set in Lahore, Pakistan, where about 56,000 people had waved their national flags, got shattered. Shah delivered an unusually short speech wherein he touched upon the Modi government's efforts during the Coronavirus pandemic, including the vaccination drive and free monthly ration to the poor. He also spoke about the role of RSS ideologue VD Savarkar in highlighting the Revolt of 1857, which the latter had called "India's first war of Independence" in an eponymous book.