agencies LUCKNOW, May 19: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday said action will be taken against officials in case complaints are received of unnecessary loudspeakers being installed and played loudly anywhere in the state. Addressing a review meeting with officials via video conferencing from his official residence, Adityanath said his government has successfully removed loudspeakers used in violation of norms at religious places in the state. "After talks, unnecessary loudspeakers installed at different religious places have been removed," the chief minister said, according to a statement issued here. Referring to peaceful celebrations of Eid, Ramnavmi and Akshay Tritya, he said it sent a "positive message". "The noise of loudspeakers should be within the premises where they are installed. We have set this example with amity. In the future also, such situation should prevail," Adityanath said. "If there is any complaint of unnecessary loudspeakers being installed and played loudly, the circle officer, deputy collector and other officials concerned will be held responsible and action will be taken against them," he warned