New Delhi, June 3: Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday held a meeting with Jammu and Kashmir LG Manoj Sinha, NSA Ajit Doval, and other senior officials to review security in the Valley. The meeting comes in wake of a series of targeted killings of civilians. Security arrangements for the upcoming Amarnath Yatra were also discussed in the meetings, a source said. Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla, Director of Intelligence Bureau Arvind Kumar, Director General of Central Reserve Police Force Kuldiep Singh, Border Security Force chief Pankaj Singh, and Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police Dilbag Singh among other key officials were present in the meeting. A bank manager from Rajasthan was shot dead in a yet another targeted attack in broad daylight in Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday morning, triggering widespread condemnation. The attack took place two days after a 36-year-old teacher from Samba, Rajni Bala, was killed in the same district. The spree of targeted killing has sparked fresh fears among Kashmiri Pandit employees, recruited under the Prime Minister’s special rehabilitation package, and Hindu employees from Jammu and other states posted in the Kashmir Valley. |