Early Times Newspaper Jammu
Breaking News :  
Ombudsmen MGNREGA seeks details of purchased TV sets
Asif Iqbal Naik
Early Times Report
Kishtwar, Jan 17: Taking strong note of the news item published in 12-1-2019 edition of ET titled as
" After MGNREGA, TV Scandal rocks Rural Development Department Kishtwar", the MGNREGA Ombudsmen for Kishtwar and Doda had ask Assistant Commissioner Development Kishtwar to submit the details regarding the issue highlighted by the Early Times.
As per the letter No. 225-270 address to ACD Kishtwar, Ombudsmen MGREGA Prem Nath Koul invited the attention of ACD Kishtwar towards the news item published by the ET on its front page and directed the concerned officer to look into the matter personally and take appropriate necessary action in the mater after observing all formalities required under the rule.
"The detailed point wise report including the head of account under which these purchases were made may please be furnished to this office within a week's time enabling to proceed further in the matter accordingly" read the letter.
The copy of the letter has also been address
ET Impact
d to DC Kishtwar who is Program Coordinator MGNREGA Kishtwar, Project Director DRDA (ADDC Kishtwar) and BDOs of all the blocks of Kishtwar District.
The sources told the "Early Times" that over 200 TV sets were purchased by the RDD Department Kishtwar without inviting any tender and were kept at the disposal of the Section Officer of Block Kishtwar.
The sources told that the TV sets for far off places like Marwah, Warwan, Dachhan, Padder, Bhunzwah and other far flung areas were given to influential people while majority of them were sold off to private persons, beside huge transportation charges had also been withdrawn on this account.
The department of RDD also refused to provide the information under RTI Act to one Khalid Nazir Dar who had sought the information from ACD Kishtwar with regard to purchase of TV sets by the RDD department Kishtwar during 2014-15 till date along with the certified copies of quotation floated, response received, comparative statement and supply orders approved by the higher ups.