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`Mortality rate decreases in G B Pant hospital' | | | ISHTIYAQ AHMAD early times report Srinagar, Nov 2: The authorities of the G.B Pant Children's Government Hospital which is providing specialist care for all children up to the age of 15 years, Friday said that there has been remarkable reduction of mortality rate compared to previous years. If analysis of the hospital statistics is taken into consideration from number of deaths in comparison to total number of patients admitted, the mortality rate is on lower side from last three years. According to the official report of the hospital, 22755 patients were admitted out of 244835 in 2012-13. Similarly in 2013- 14 22625 were admitted out of 318784 and in 2014-15 17695 were admitted out of 259855. The authorities have mentioned that the total mortality has been decreased by 4.57 from last three years. Talking to Early Times Prof. (Dr.) Kaiser Ahmad HOD Pediatrics said that in an effort to contribute to better healthcare delivery the hospital have been always trying to improve upon their previous standards and is now fully prepared to deal with ever increasing rush of patients. "To achieve these goals, the hospital have been strengthening their existing facilities including computerization system installed for digital record keeping, triage system for integrating services of different departments for providing emergency and disaster care,". He said that during last two years, many steps have been taken to provide better health care to patients and improving the infrastructure and manpower. "Many latest type of equipment were procured including 15 invasive and non-invasive ventilator devices, 23 multichannel monitors, 65 radiant warmers and other equipments," he said. He said for the better laboratory in the hospital massive up gradation of laboratory facility has been carried in the hospital there by improving the diagnostic capabilities. "Two ABG machines are at disposal for pediatric and new born patients. A trinoclar microscope with a monitor has also been installed for better visualization and analysis of findings," he said. He added that 200 MA new digital x ray plant has been installed recently. A fresh high definition USG machine with Doppler has also been recently installed. Doppler USGS which were not earlier being done have been started. |
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