Early Times Report Jammu, Nov 2: The Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) Government Medical College Jammu, a registered body with Drug Controller General of India organized an interactive and brainstorming meeting. Principal/Dean, Government Medical College, Jammu, Dr Ganshyam Dev, in his speech said that institution is committed to make GMC, Jammu as an institute of academic excellence, a place of perfect patient care and place where research is generated with ethics, morals and human values. He said that ultimate goal of research is to safeguard the public health or population and thus every human has the right to understand the nature besides the risks and benefits of research. Dr Kuldeep Sharma, Dean Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Jammu and Chairman of IEC GMC Jammu said that some student research fund should be kept at GMC Jammu to encourge research which is new and noble require some test or investigations for which facility is not available in GMC Jammu. Member Secretary IEC Dr Zahid Gillani, Prof and Head Pharmacology GMC Jammu said that the duty of IEC is to strictly see that any research generated from the institution, follows the principles of essentiality and is allowed only if necessary for advancement of knowledge and minimizing risk to the subjects. Non-exploitation, voluntariness, informed consent and respect for persons: dignity and rights of each trial participant be ensured and confidentiality protected. Dr Vishal Tandon, Assistant Professor and Coordinator IEC from Deptt of Pharmacology said that nearly 103 research proposals were read and screened by Thesis Research Sub Committee. Out of them, nearly 17 proposals were independent which were granted provisional permission following ICMR guidelines this year. Dr Annil Mahajan, executive member, Medical Council of India and Physician and mandotary member to complete quorum of IEC, said that the Medical Council of India proposed to have IEC clearance before the permission is granted to undertake thesis/ research. |