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Shri Narendra Modi Ji | Prime Minister of India | | Subject: Our last letter to you on J&K's Political Destiny Sir, Being students of history and politics of Jammu and Kashmir, having taught and written on the issues pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir and the Nation extensively all through our life, and being fully aware of the dangers which have been looming large for quite some time on the political future of the state as an integral part of Union of India, we once again chose to bring to your notice the dangerous implications of the policy which your party has followed after coming to power at the Centre and in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This is our last attempt to confide in you with an earnest hope that your party will correct the course of its policy in Jammu and Kashmir which otherwise has led it to an abyss from which no political maneuver can retrieve it in the near future. The correction of this course is an imperative necessity because the future of the integrity and the unity of nation depend on what happens in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. To be frank and straight we want to tell you that the policy of your party vis-a-vis Jammu and Kashmir can be described as one of accommodation of separatists and retreat. This has been so right from the times of Vajpayee as the Prime Minister of India. Using variants of separatism and communalism seemingly to douse the separatist and fundamentalist fire in the state and ignoring as well as marginalizing the national constituency in the state has emerged as a hallmark of the perverted tactical and strategic vision of your party. Your party think tanks have been responsible for the emergence of PDP as a political pole in the state and its foundations described by many as soft-separatism have been nourished not only by the Congress party but BJP as well. The blind tunnel you find yourself today in the state after the death of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed is the direct fall out of your policy on the state. The party with which your party shared power till recently on the basis of a subversive Agenda of Alliance is now demanding a time bound implementation of this agenda to retake your party in as an alliance partner in the state. PDP has been describing it as the sacred vision of their founder. Intriguingly and reprehensibly your party leaders are also describing the Agenda of Alliance not only as historic but also sacred. Your party leaders are on record of having said that Mufti's vision is the BJP's vision and your party is committed to convert it into a reality. It seems as if your party has completely abandoned all such cherished values and objectives which strengthen national unity, integrity and sovereignty. Apprehensions are rising with each day that your party is a part of a design to take Jammu and Kashmir gradually away from the great nation, called India. We feel it our national responsibility to remind you that your party inherited the vision of and legacy from Shyama Prasad Mookerjee and the Mufti's vision is an absolute negation of what Mookerjee stood for, worked for and sacrificed his life for in Jammu and Kashmir itself. Nowhere in any country of the world has soft-secessionism become as an intermediary stage for integrating people in the national mainstream. Sadly, however, our Governments at the Centre, including yours, have always tended to believe so. The disastrous results are in front of all of us. We have in our state secessionism and separatism being preached both from within and outside the official political and constitutional establishments and it is being recognized as a democratic right. Please feel the perfidy in this approach. Democratic rights have been guaranteed to us by our constitution and the democracy which has been nourished in the state wants to operate sans this very constitution. The path of Shyama Prasad Mookerjee was a path of recognizing the historical and civilisational continuity of the nation of India. The path of Agenda of Alliance is a path delegitimizing this sacrosanct perspective. Developments in the state have once again provided you with a historical opportunity of course correction. The mandate of 2014 was, in fact, a mandate for fulfilling the vision of Mookerjee. It is time that your party now stood up and owned the legacy which it has claimed as its own and repudiates the Agenda of Alliance lock, stock and barrel. It is time that you accept the fact that this agenda was neither a developmental agenda for the state nor a governance agenda. It was an agenda which has led you straight to the humiliating predicament in which you find your party at this juncture. The pre-conditions set by Mehbooba Mufti for an alliance with your party are humiliating, unsettling and divisive. We sincerely urge you to make the stand of your party and the Government public and clear about these conditions. The decisive step in this direction is obviously the withdrawal of Agenda of Alliance and severing of all kinds of ties with the PDP. Every moment is proper for correcting the basics and fundamentals. The sooner it is done the better for the nation and for your party. With respectful regards, Yours sincerely, Prof Hari Om Prof M K Teng
Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, 7, Race Course Road, New Delhi. |
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