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Retrospect and do not fall flat
2/12/2016 10:49:42 PM

Dear Editor,
Much has been written by number of ideological thinkers about the formation of alliance government in the State of J&K and plight of BJP in the State. Commonality emerged from all the viewpoints leads to the conclusion that the people of Jammu region voted to BJP not as a party or their candidates acceptable to them, (Because of previous assembly tenure's experience, when BJP MLAs after acceptance of huge amount sold themselves to Kashmir politics, and were suspended by the party, just to befool the people as they were readmitted to the party fold, may be again on the same philosophy of today that' "CORRUPTION KARO AGAR PHANS JAO TO CORRUPTION DO AUR SHOOT JAO") but with the hope that this saffron party will protect the rights of Jammuties being fully backed by the government of the same party at the center and will fight against the discrimination meted out to Jammu region by Kashmir centric politics. The promises (Which turned out as hollow) by the top slot of saffron brigade and persons sitting at the helm of affairs in the central government was the reason of such a massive mandate in Jammu region. Had this party stick to its vociferous commitments of star campaigner, the Honorable PM of the country, in keeping away from 'BAAP BETA KI SARKAR', 'BAAP BETI KI SARKAR' and had not stepped into the shoes of the same party, the people of Jammu would have been there with these MLAs and party in present crises of government formation. But these people's representatives sell out the aspirations of Jammuties by their 'touch feet' policy with the PDP alliance. This power hungry coterie after getting births in the cabinet kept themselves busy in indulging corruption, (When PM Modi ji had spoken very loudly in election rallies by raising his both arms towards sky, meaning pledge of God, that 'NA KHAUNGA NA KHANE DUNGA' and getting big applause from people) and amassing huge wealth from transfer industry ever flourishing in the State. The claims of useless representatives that Jammu region has experienced new era of development is generally confined to black topping of few negligible roads, upgrading of capacity of those transformers for which people came out on roads, laying foundation stones of lanes and drains, cutting ribbons of toilet units, and nothing else. Yes we can credit them by branding them as facilitator in carrying away of Jammu's share by Kashmir politics, sharing the Dias with stupid faces and tight lips. They can well be credited for forcing the Jammuties to adopt agitational path for AIIMS, ITI, and Smart City and what not. It is during this period of their governance, Jammuties were burdened with Toll Tax and airfare, branded as 'Jazia' by other political parties and commoners.
The hollow brain of these representatives and their zero delivery is the reason that they have been directed by central leadership to remain silent and not to speak anything regarding government formation. Instead of any one from the State, it is the saffron brigade from outside the State, who is working out shadow deals for re-alliance (Badly stand rejected by the voice of Jammuties) for the reasons best known to them. Such mediators should realize that they have no moral authority to put people of Jammu to suffer by facilitating the representatives now branded as corrupt, inefficient, intolerable, presently out rightly rejected and distanced by the people in realigning with PDP for their ulterior motives. Those who are shuttling in between Delhi and Jammu from the State unit of BJP including some Ex-Ministers to Delhi Durbar are power hungry and desperate group and are humiliating the voters by almost begging and falling flat for re-alliance and against whom accusing fingers are raised in indulgence of corruption. The situation so for emerged in the J&K especially in Jammu region also stand understood by the BJP, but as it is the only one time opportunity of being in power to amass money is the reason, they have adopted the attitude of even begging for re-alliance as Stated by one of the Ex-Minister in previous tenure of coalition government of PDP and Congress. As the idiom goes that "BEGGARS CAN NEVER BE CHOOSERS", so if again they will succeed in re-alliance, they will never get free hand to work for the people of the Jammutie's from the alliance party, before whom they have surrendered in total, just to remain in power benches and that will be the black-day for the Jammu region. So better let the State flourish under Present set up, till we the voters are in a position to realize as to vote for the right person and not the party. The democratically set up governments under alliance of the interest of each partner, have make the people to bleed and given troublesome wounds. So under such type of situation, even the re-election or re-alliance is not going to bring a sea change, more over the commoners are in a mood to distance themselves from all the political parties, as they have experienced their governance also, which was nothing else than the just dropped Government.
Yours etc.
Mahadeep Singh Jamwal,
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