Jammu, Mar 17: An emergency meeting of the working Committee of Dogra Sadar Sabha (DSS), J&K was held at Sabha Bhavan, Jammu today, primarily to discuss the present manner and style in which Jammu Festival is being organized by the Govt. as has appeared in Media. The President, Th. Gulchain Singh Charak and all the members of the working committee expressed serious concern and conveyed their protest to the concerned authorities over the form of holding Jammu Festival for the last few years in which the very basic aim of depicting Dogra history, heritage, culture and unique binding of all faiths of the region, is defeated. The Dogra Sadar Sabha also noted with shock and regret that no representative of the Sabha was associated in the recent meeting called by the Divisional Commissioner Jammu regarding holding of this festival. The president also explained to the committee members as to how this event was conceptualized by him and other stalwarts of Dogra Sadar Sabha way back in 1994 and after that with the efforts of Parvez Dewan the then DC Jammu, present Advisor to the Governorand the overwhelming participation and response of not only the local artists but even the general public during holding of these festivals in the successive years. The President and members of DSS working committee highlighted the fact that the Sabha is only historic and main representative organization which not only represents the sentiments, feeling and culture of Dogras but always remains in the forefront to safeguard the interests, heritage, culture and social binding of all the Dogras irrespective of caste and creed. |