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No scope for adopting conflicting stands | | | Contradictions and conflicts,whether between the coalition partners or between the security agencies,may not help the authorities to curb the ongoing security scenario which has assumed alarming dimensions in the Kashmir valley.Soon after the Pampore incident in which militants ambushed a van carrying CRPF personnel,in which eight CRPF men were killed,the PDP and the BJP have adopted contradictory stand.While the PDP is for reopening of channels of dialogue with Pakistan which alone could promote cordial ties between the two sides which was necessary for peace in the region,the BJP,on the other hand,wants selective aerial strikes on Pakistan to avenge the Pampore incident.What is intriguing and amazing is the contradictory stand taken by the CRPF and the Army on the incident.The Army claims that the CRPF had not observed SOP which could have been one of the reasons for the ambush.the CRPF has claimed that SOP was adhered to and accused the Army personnel for trying to take credit for killing two militants.The CRPF functionaries have alleged that the Army came late when the CRPF men had killed the two militants in the retaliatory fire.The CRPF functionaries have also blamed the Army for having taken away two weapons and some dates recovered from the slaimilitants to show to their bosses that they had killed the two militants. This contradictory stand taken by the ruling coalition and by the security agencies may not help the authorities to curb militancy.And one cannot rule out the possibility of militants getting a morale boost from these conflicting statements. First of all the Chief Minister,Mehbooba Mufti should have consulted the BJP while issuing a statement on the incident.She has not done so and now that she has issued a statement favouring resumption of the process of dialogue with Pakistan the BJP should have kept mum even if it did not agree to Mehbooba's stand.It has not and wants selective aerial strikes on Pakistan which could take the shape of war between the two sides.This time war between the two sides should not find any support from any quarter in India because China is committed to aid Pakistan militarily.Assuming that Indian troops start marching inside the territory held by Pakistan China may not hesitate opening another front in Ladakh or North-east region for diverting the attention of the Indian troops.Yes,Washington and New Delhi have promoted cordial ties but the US is not willing to intervene which may bring Washington in direct confrontation with Beijing. This way a message should emanate from Prime Minister's Office suggesting to the PDP and the BJP to either stop commenting on issues that are linked with Pakistan or simply stand together while dealing with Pampore type incidents.Conflicting stand taken by the BJP and the PDP may encourage the security forces to adopt contradictory postures against such incidents. Even a message is needed from the PMO to the security agencies,operating in Jammu and Kashmir,to avoid washing dirty linen in public.As washing dirty linen in public could encourage militants to strike security convoys and camps.Besides this a procedure needs to adopt under which each convoy,small or large,would be preceded by a road opening programme so that any explosives including IEDs planted by militants on the road could be defused on time and that too minutes before the security convoy moves on the roads. Road opening programme should not be confined to the national highway or to the main arteries but the programme should involve village roads.If militants carried out a recee before the CRPF van was to pass why could not intelligence agencies follow suit which was necessary for foiling the ambush.Time has come for perfect coordination among security sgencies and between the PDP and the BJP which alone could act as a warning to militants.(EOM) |
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