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It is pointed out with the sense of frustration about hatching an anti-India activities conspired by Pak High Commissioner Basit with his valley based stipendiary lobby who is under obligation in the interest of his country to develop the diplomatic relation of his country with India, but despite he remains busy to hatch intrigues of subversive activities to generate unrest in the State Jammu & Kashmir to challenge the integrity of India with technique of mis-using religion for communal disharmony for his ambitious dream at the cost of Indian sovereignty . For that purpose, he at his free will invited stipendiary members of his lobby working in the valley to carry on his guiding strategies for developing this or that violence and disharmony, under the pretext of his self-styled occasion by ignoring the elected ruling leaders of the State. His mind set clearly indicated on which direction he had exerted his efforts to give new type of bleeding cuts of aggressive designs to harm India. Every time he organized triggering controversy and again invited his criminal lobby members on self style occasion at tea party despite ignoring of the resentment of the host country. Thus he created obstacles in National Advisory talks and Foreign Secretary level meeting for supporting to participate his bounded lobby members in two nation meeting over the State affairs by ignoring the set policy of the two governments. So much so, he mis-leaded to media by over ruling the decorum, and norms adamantly expressed on his own that without the participating of his lobby members who are so called stake holders to play their role in the meeting of two nations were necessary. He should know that his anti-India lobby working in the valley at his behest is not only the stake holder but India only a stake holder for the agenda. There was no possibilities to convene the meeting that his obnoxious assertion was beyond the level to his status, which had vitiated the political atmosphere and a negative signal to the world. It was very strange that when the Pak team had being investigated the airbase Pathankot, it admitted on the bases of proofs given by India, that the attack had been committed by Pak supported terrorists and assured they would put them into task, but after going back, team asserted that it was merely a drama, that all was hatched mere to malign Pakistan. That visualized that due to its male fide intention against India, Pak would never apprehend the future consequences of the deteriorating political relations of these two countries. So much so, his briefing to bounded criminal guards to alert for entering in defence arrangements aggressively to develop holocaust and unrest in the State and the sense of violence against India had imbibed to serve his political interest. In the host country an un-bridle manner fearlessly, he chanted his aggressive briefing agenda for his bounded lobby members to create anarchy and hooliganism to shatter India. It is crystal clear that his anti-India diplomacy, where he asserted to media on 21th august 2015, that anti India elements of his bounded lobby members, who were at his pay role, Geelani, Mirwaiz,Yasin Malik and Shabir Shaha, and who rejected by the valley people because of having criminal background, termed on his own of his host country as a true representative of Kashmir as such to ascertain their views were necessary that he had desired to intrude is valley based lobby members in two nation meeting. Besides National advisors level meeting which had to be held on 23-24th august 15 while he as a diplomat of his country was not competent to advocate them as a stake holder of the host country. He being the representative of his country was responsible to discharge his official obligations as a bureaucrat of his country to watch its interest and develop the mutual relations. It seems that he was not aware about the qualification of the representative of the public in democratic setup. Pak High Commissioner Chancy Basit had no right to declare the real representative of the host country. His unauthorized assertion was termed interference in the domestic affairs of the host country which was objectionable, serious and had strained the mutual diplomatic relations. His provocative hobnob with anti-India elements did not create a good impression among the international community. The message given by him internationally was not healthy conducive and against the diplomatic norms. In the light of developing poisonous situation provocated by him as he breached the diplomatic red line by interfering in the political affairs of India and fire vomiting fiery speeches, as well as converting his office into a hub of terrorist movement for hatching strategies against India with thousand cuts vide the policy of his country spoiled the atmosphere for the proposed meeting to the level of its cancellation. In fact his absurd assertion to declare true representatives of Kashmir Muslims was an unwarranted. They had no influence among the masses and did never contest any election due to their dismal political background. His valley based anti India elements created hurdles in developing and welfare programmes. They created unrest and communal harmony for generating anarchy and holocaust by pelting stones poucned over police, security forces to kill them and snatch their weapons and indulged in other violent subversive activities, afterwards they passed on their violent activities to government and its security forces, in the name of human rights violations and defamed India internationally. The provocative tilt diplomat Pak-High Commissioner Basit maligned India over his total disregard for the policy and priorities of his host country despite assurance to follow the path of co-operation to develop mutual relations while he himself had invited anti-India elements at function during July 2015, at his snake chamber despite clear indications of his host country against engaging those anti-national elements in any talk but he ignored the aspirations of his host country deliberately, while he was bound to carry on its instructions, which was the clear disrespect, His nefarious unbridle anti-India activities played with irresponsible elements on the land of the host country were humiliation and challenge for its honour and dignity resulting in creating blockade for any further two nation meeting. It was his shallowness to tease ruling leaders of his host country in the fit of arogance for transgression their standing instructions not to encourage anti-India elements, but despite he repeatedly spurn away their instructions for which he had been responsible to strain the indo-Pak diplomatic relations. His all these discourteous odds and transgression committed by him to invite his lobby members Mirwaiz and others adamantly in ego, under pretext of Eid Millan party at his incubative terror global den, New Delhi but extremist Geelani refused to participate in the meeting like new married Lady because of fixing of meeting in Ulfa (Russia) between Prime Ministers India and Pakistan on the issue of terrorism only without naming Kashmir, therefore he under protest would not participate in his meeting. To cover his self-styled objection the trouble shooter, Basit chanted his old sermon publically that Pakistan would continue to extend moral, political and diplomatic support to the people of Kashmir in their legitimate struggle for self determination as provided in UN resolution. That was his mocking assertion to neutralize the mutual relations which was necessary for their interest to continue the cry against India. The chancy Pak spy Basit chanted his usual parroting sermon advising India to follow the path of co-operation by discarding confrontation, while UN resolutions had no any direct role in the bilateral issue of the State, virtually the UN Chief declared in 2001, that its Kashmir relating resolution had absolute no weight in the light of Simla agreement. He was supposed to understand the actual ground position, despite to foment the situation by inciting the sentiments of these anti-India elements with the proximity of religion to extend them for his support, that meant be wished to put his gun on their shoulders to target India and in the same vein proposed for talk for restoring future peace, under his that double edged policy. How long he would have made befool the people of the world statesmen, the diplomats and politicians who are aware and alert about developing political international affairs of their countries. An immature bureaucrat Pak-High-Commissioner Basit invited again anti-India elements at his snake chambar on the eve of Foreign Secretary level talk to be held on February 2016 having presumed of living in his home Government, to hatch bleeding-cut strategy on Kashmir against India by ignoring the indications of India not to initiate any talk for encouraging and participating of his valley based lobby members in the proposed meeting. He showed total disregard the policies, preferences and priorities of the host-country rulers. He is harping on for peace to protect humanity and its civilization which is encouraging but on the other side he and his Pak-Government rulers extend their political, diplomatic and material support to their lobby working in the valley and incite them for violence, unrest, commit subversive activities by misusing religion, which is interference in the domestic affairs of India, on that base he wants to restore peace. He now cannot befool the world people for further longer period. He was the main figure to destroy the peace process. His anti-India hobnob and activities did not stop to that extent, he again invited his Pak parrots working in the valley to implement his Pak agenda thorough misleading propaganda, to celebrate Pak-day during March 2016, to hatch strategy in order to dismember India, by fomenting religious fire for unrest and communal frenzy. These Pak parrots soon after receiving invitation from their boss, trouble shooter Pak High Commissioner Basit who watched interests of his country in India vitiated the political atmosphere between two countries under his ego of presumption of monocrat. In that intense situation developed between two countries created by him absolutely, he declared to suspend the future peace talk that had to be held, and in the same vein be ruled out a return visit of Indian investigative team to Pakistan. Thus he closed the door for peace talk. In that way he poured cold water on the expectations, but soon after he asserted to the world that Pak would like to have a comprehensive and meaningful dialogue with India in order to resolve all their problems. That all his performance showed his hollowness of his bureaucracy. He did not stop to defame India on international level to that extent but beyond that be maligned it in terming its Navy officer as Indian spy working in Baluchistan, to cover his own failure and unsuccessfulness in diplomacy of his country. On the issue of Navy Officer Kulbhushan Yadev, who arrested by his Government, and being harassed by applying coercive method to speak in Pak-language, to display performance of India`s spying on international level on flimsy grounds to tarnish its image. Earlier, he expressed his view in the press conference, New Delhi, that he recognized his valley based lobby members as the real representatives of Kashmiri Muslims, therefore they were the stake holders to participate in two nation future meeting over the State, but he has no status to twist the significance the essence of Simla agreement of bilateral talk of two nations only, wherein no third party is allowed to participate in the meeting who were one of the components of the Indian nation, and had no nation status, therefore they had no right for the intrusion in the bilateral meeting. That an absurd uttering time and again should not be repeated by him. The ministry of External Affairs, Government of India should take in view his performance in the light of mentioned above, for his immediate transfer. |
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