Early Times Report
Jammu, Nov 20: JK PDD Employees Union & Daily Wagers Union today held a meeting under the leader ship of Bharat Singh in which they decided to start Kaam Chhor Hartal from November 28, 2016 here at DCP Office, Janipur. Speaking on the occasion, Singh expressed resentment over the fact that in the year 2013, the then Governmment has passed a Cabinet decision to regularise 1500 DWs each in Jammu & Kashmir Provinces, but showing complete disparity and partiality with the Jammu Province, more than 2000 DWs have been regularised in Kashmir Province but only 873 DWs have been regularised in Jammu Province. In Jammu District, DWs upto Sept. 1997 have been regularised and Dec. 1995 for Kathua Distt., whereas in other districts, the DWs have been regularised upto 2003-2004, which is total injustice with the DWs of Jammu& Kathua Distt. Singh further stated that how it is possible for a common man to run his family with a meagre source of income of Rs.4500 per month only, when the rates of all the essential commodities are raising steep high. They warned the administration as well as the Government, that for all the consequences arising out of this Continuous "Kaam Chhor Hartal", the Govt. shall remain responsible for injustice with us. Prominent others who present during meeting include Ashwani Mehra, Vinod Padha, Ajay Kumar, Parveen Sharma , Chintamani, Raj Kumar, Kishore Kumar, Ranjeet Singh, Rakesh Kumar and Sonu Kumar. |