Early Times Report
srinagar, Nov 20: The state owned Jammu and Kashmir Cements Ltd is likely to fall soon to favouritism, nepotism and dictatorship of two persons while the government chooses to stay a mute spectators. What else could be the slugishness of these two persons, Managing Director Atul Sharma and Chairman JKCL Save forum, Abdul Rashid Regoo, as under their nose, engineers with loads of experience have been transferred from the cement Plant to Head Office and suspended without any reason will closed down the cement plant situated at Khrew. "Mechanical Engineer Manzoor Hussain, manger engineering who has a lot of experience has been transferred from the Cement Plant to Head office as Technical Officer to M.D, while as in replace of him Wajahat Rashid who is not entitled person is heading the plant now," Sources revealed to Early Times. According to the sources, another Mechanical engineer, Javid Hakeem who was plant Head has been suspended because he has raised the voice against the Management, while taking the advantage of unrest some chamchas of Atul Sharma and Adul Rashid Regoo have got the advance salary during that period, surprisingly Financial Advisor was not intimated in this matter. "Engineer Javid Hakeem's fault is only as he has raised the voice against the Atul Sharma and Abdul Rashid Regoo, who have given the advance salary of at least 34 persons of their Chamchas. Later, he was suspended," sources added. "If there are at least 600 employees who earn bread and butter form JKCL, then all should get the salary, why there is always favourtism. Now we are seeing the Dictatorship kind of rules in JKCL by the Sharma and Regoo, seemingly JKCL is not now the government factory. It looks these two persons have owned the JKCL," sources added. Notably, five more engineers, Instrument, Mechanical, Chemical, and two electrical engineers sit idle in the head office, while as whose service is required at cement Plant. "Chemical enigeener, Shabnum is working as typist in the MD's secreteriat, electrical enigeeners, Arshid Maqbool and Shaid Bazaz are working in Sales Department in Head Office, Mechanical Engineer, Mehraj-u-din Bhat is working as Clerk in Planning and Procurement section, and instrument Engineer, Riyaz Ahmed Kaloo is heading some unknown project wing," sources aded. Meanwhile, administrative officer, Muhammudul Hassan Andrabi presently working at Head Office, who is going to retire at the end of this month by the intervention of Regoo, he has been granted expansion for the period of Six Months, despite the JKCL is facing financial crises for last several years. According to sources, "The downfall of the JKCL is because of the bureaucratic and Ministerial intervention, wrong decision making and the government's negligence." |