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Valley examination centers lack drinking water, heating arrangements | Education deptt wakes up after protests | | Muhammad Mukaram Early Times Report
Srinagar, Nov 22: While valley is shriving due to severe cold for last several days, indifferent education department has not cared to arrange adequate facilities in examination centres where students are turning up to take their exams. "The government has given so much of hype for the Board examinations in the valley which started for last two weeks, we were expecting that there would be adequate heating and drinking facilities in the examinations centres but we are facing lot of problems during examination hours," said a group of students who come out after taking exam. After lot of criticism from several corners regarding the facilities in the examination centres, finally Education Department has woken up and issued the circular calling for arrangement of heating and driking water cum cleanliness in all the government schools. The document in possession with Early Times reads that, "The directorate of School education kashmir has issued the circular wide order no: DSEK/estti/1511, dated 21/11/2016 that it has come to the notice of undersigned that there are no proper heating/electricity/Drinking/Cleanliness arrangements in most of the government schools," document reads. Circular further reads that, "It is as such impressed upon the heads of all the educational institutions to ensure that all the requisite arrangement viz heating/ Electricity for lighting purpose/Drinking/Cleanliness be put in place in their respective institutions immediately." As the Kashmir is witnessing severe cold for last several days and board examinations of 10th and 12th classes are in progress, students are facing a lot of hardships in the examination centres. "The expenditure on this behalf be met of local funds/O.E and the circular shall be strictly adhered to," circular reads. In many examination centres students have done protests against the bad arrangements in the much hyped board examinations, "under shriveling cold I could not write my paper properly because I had to warm up my hands regularly," said zubair Ahmed, a 10th class student. |
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