Early Times Report
JAMMU, Apr 23: Shri Shri Kailakh Kyoto's Avim Vedic Sansthan Trust appealed the Sanskrit scholars to start free Sanskrit coaching classes in city and outskirts. On occasion Mahant Rohit Shastri, Trust president, Shri Kailakh Jyotish Avim Vedic Sansthan asked Sanskrit scholars to start free Sanskrit coaching classes in our villages, city, town etc so that new generation gets aware of importance of Sanskrit language in their life. This step would bring a new revolution in the development of Sanskrit language and people will start learning Sanskrit language. Moreover, Sanskrit language can also become a modern mean of communication, but the Sanskrit scholars could not involve the young generation due to their old privileged method of teaching until they develop new modern means of communication to educate youth of their responsibility toward their mother language. Shastri said someone fake Kathabachak, Jyotshi, Tantrik,Samaj Sevi etc are now a day prevail in our society which by their karmas bring bad names to the society and to Sanskrit language and due to their activity people's are now a days differentiate themselves from the Sanskrit language. |