In educational Institu tions i.e Schools and Col leges there are enormous problems faced by students be it examssure, inferiority complexities, career uncertainty, bullying, relationship issues, etc which leads to a student's isolation giving him a way to drug abuse and not to forget teenage complexities attract him to sexual understanding too. To prevent these problems, Educational institutions have to play their role but their concern is academics and finishing syllabus only. They hardly have a word with students about their personal lives, feelings etc. Who will counsel them ? A counselor or a social worker. How? Introduction of drug de awareness and seperate sex Education classes of girls and boys in schools and colleges is the only practical solution to tackle drug abuse and teenage related problems among teens. School and college authorities must realise that education is not about scoring high grades. We have to produce moral being who can bring good to society not causing downfall. A girl is school,tutuion centre, bus faces sexual abuse from her teacher, school mate, seniors etc. She never speaks up, she is scared to speak as her parents will slap her and not the abuser. Yes this is happening in Kashmir. She is not able to express what happened to her. She is confused whether it was a normal touch or she is already a victim. School authorities have to teach and educate girls about "good touch" and "bad touch". It's the responsibility of School authorities to impart knowledge ,confidence, empower them to understand and to speak up against sexual absue, otherwise she gets an impression that this is normal and it happens with every girl. Siimilar situation is for boy, he is watching pornographic content, watching item songs, listening to vulgar music etc. His perception towards girls, women has changed and he is identifying to girl and women as 'sex object' only. Boys in schools, colleges are facing enormous pyscologoical problems as media is projecting sex as a normal thing be it in Bollywood songs,TOI health articles, online websites. Thus a school boy feels it's normal to eve tease, or to forcefully kiss a girl as Varun Dhawan in Judwa2 does the same thing . These factors have left a great impact in the minds of our children especially in schools and colleges and we should not be surprised if teen pregnancy, use of contraceptive pills, rise in teen abortions is increasing in Kashmir. By the way it is increasing a lot. Let's suppose a boy of 15-16 summers is in grief beacuse his close friendship with a girl is over. He is sad and emotionally broken. I know it sounds amateurish but this is reality which children in schools are experiencing. Forget exam pressure and future uncertainty, relationship issues are causing more harm to students in schools and colleges. He is alone crying in sorrow, who will listen to him ? With whom he will share his feelings. It's the counsellors in schools who will listen to his feelings and will help him to get out of it because they recognise his problem. They will not slap him for indulging in such activities, instead lend their help to him. If there is no one to help him out, he has drugs, substances to make himself relieved. The gateway to Drug and alcohol abuse is "Cigrate smoking" a known fact, if we counsel our students about ill effects of cigrate smoking in their classes only, they will never try cigrate. It is high time for school and college authorities to introduce drug de awareness classes, and mparting seperate sex education classes for boys and girls in schools, colleges slybbus across India. Not to forget Drug abuse is closely related to HIV AIDS. |