Rameshwar Singh Jamwal
The job of a criminolo gist is to find out the reason of criminality and that of a behaviorist is to find out the reasons of a particular behavior, from biological to psychological to economic to social and many other angles, which alas, despite the painstaking efforts of hundreds of learned men, with intellects par excellence, has not been found out. There are hundreds of other human behaviors, which may not strictly fall under the definitions of criminality but nevertheless, they are bad and cause trouble to so many. Each one of us can be accused of doing those inappropriate, unjustified, irrational, indefensible acts in our daily routines, but why we do them and can we contain some of those irrationalities. What are those actions which can be considered bad and are thus discarded by those who are considered to be noble. This has defied a logical conclusion and so are a host of other questions, which I want to pose to a larger pool of intellectuals, scientists, rationalists, behaviorists, Psychologists and social activists, as these are still baffling me. Firstly let me start, with my ancestry. I can remember the names upto my great great grand father, but he too was the progeny of a human being, had his grand fathers and great grand fathers as well, the chain was never broken. How far this chain goes and is there some truth that I belong to the Lord Rama's lineage. And if it is true, why I do not possess even a single virtue of the great personality, as the science of genetics says that we inherit a lot from our ancestors, by the process of transmission, the general process by which traits, controlled by genes, get transmitted through gametes from generation to generation. Why there is so much degeneration in me and my clansmen, is all this the effect of environment or that of mutations or that of cell division processes of Mitosis and Meosis, that have taken place over generations. And when that degeneration process started, how the virtues got deleted and in their place came the aberrations, the bad habits and irrationalities, and how far they will grow. But there is one more predicament, which I have not been able to resolve. The population growth theory dilemma, the evolutionary conundrum, you may say. I will start with the example of my country. At present, India has a population of more than 1.35 billion. Seventy one years ago, when India became independent, the population was 330 million. It means, in a period of seventy years, it has grown by about four times. Let's make it, say hundred year period by giving a thirty year margin, as population growth cannot be uniform. It also means, if we go by another hundred years back, in 1847, the population must have been around 9 million and in 1747,it must have been around 2 million,500000 in 1647,125000 in 1547,31250 in 1447,7812 in 1347,1953 in 1247,488 in 1147,122 in 1047,30 in 947 A.D,7 in 847 A.D and 2 in 747 A.D . By this formula, the Adam and Eve or Manu and Shatrupa, their Indian version, should have been roaming all alone in this entire country in the seventh century only. I have not counted the effect of great famine of 1876-78, when 5.5 million Indians expired, otherwise, the period of Adam and Eve would have been eighth century. The same principle can be applied for world population figures as well and notwithstanding Mathew's Principle's of population growth, Adam and Eve can be supposed to have come on this planet in first century A.D by this formula. We thus rule out all human traces prior to the periods earlier than first century. It means No Lord Rama, No Lord Krishna, No Alexander, No Alaric, No Cyrus, No Sun Tzu, No Chandra Gupta, no Gupta dynasty, no Mauryan dynasty, no Roman Empire, No Akkadian empire and so on. Is it really possible or conceivable. Here is the real dilemma, in a period of just two thousand years, we are discounting the possibility of human existence on this planet. Any suggestions on this. Now coming to the real problem, the problem of badness, and other collaterals. So much degeneration in values, in just few thousand years, can it be explained by the Central dogma of genetics or the Chromosome theory of inheritance, which says that inherited traits are controlled by genes located on chromosomes and shows how the transmission of genetic information maintains genetic continuity from generation to generation. We started on a clean slate only few thousand years ago. When virtues entered my brain, how long these remained there, when they got removed and when Greed, lust, anger, ego, passion and other degenerative impurities entered my brain, what was the amount of each component, have they also grown with the growth in the size of human brain, from the type found in primates of Neanderthal to the present times, why people have different volumes of these factors, how the original traits of both parents get mixed up ,when the diploid organisms, containing two copies of each parent, as a consequence of biparental inheritance, combine. It is really intriguing as to how the bad habits, which were never present in my ancestors behavior, evolved and is it the result of evolution of new genes, and how these new varieties of new genes evolved, why they evolved and how long and to what extent they will continue to proliferate. Are these aberrations present in the brain or in the mind, what is mind, how it gets formed, of what material it is composed of, where it is situated, how it functions and hundreds of other questions, for which modern science does not have answer, but which knowledge is gatherable when one sees and understands through various angles of vision and that is true knowledge. But to get that knowledge and to offer solutions on that basis is not that much easy and it requires lot of actions, not explainable and describable over here and for answers for lots of which, people are still in search and will continue to do so till they find the right path. |