Who wouldn't want greater happiness, peace of mind, mental clarity, vitality, physical health, creativity, purpose, spiritual connection, confidence and strength? To get off the strain and stress, to look for happiness levels, to reduce risk of heart disease naturally, to sleep better, to get an energy boost, to increase strength and flexibility and above all to increase self-confidence and better life, the address takes us to the Gym and Yoga. Gym is short form for gymnasium, or gymnastics. A gym is a club, building, or large room, usually containing special equipment, where we go to do physical exercise and get fit. Yoga is an activity which makes our life feels worth existing by putting effort of care into the home of our soul called body. I attribute full form of 'GYM' as 'Get Yours Muscles' and 'You Own Good Acme' for yoga. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, two Germany pioneer of physical educators, Johann Friedrich Guts Muths (1759-1839) and Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852) created exercises for boys and young men on apparatus they had designed that ultimately led to what is considered modern gym. It combines physical skills such as body control, coordination, dexterity, gracefulness, and strength with tumbling and acrobatic skills, all performed in an artistic manner. It is performed by both men and women at many levels, from local clubs and schools to colleges and universities, and in elite national and international competitions. The origin of yoga has been speculated to date back to pre-Vedic Indian traditions; it is mentioned in the Rig-Veda, but most likely developed around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE. The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization or Harappan Civilisation, (3300-1300 BCE; mature period 2600-1900 BCE). Yoga was rooted in Indian philosophy and has been a part of traditional Indian spiritual practice for around 3000 years. The systematic processes of Yoga were written by great sage Patanjali in 500 BC. He wrote Yoga Sutras to explain the process and systematic analysis of practical methods for awakening and expanding the higher faculties of mind, intellect, quality of consciousness. In the late 19th century, Yoga started traveling to the west. The first of the masters was Swami Vivekananda who wowed the audience at a lecture on Yoga in Chicago in 1897. He presented the true picture of science of Yoga and convinced intellectuals in the west about importance of Yoga for humanity. Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines. It is a type of exercise in which we move our body into various positions in order to become more fit or flexible, to improve our breathing, and to relax our mind. Both aspects Gym as well as Yoga are to have fitness. But fitness does not mean having big muscles; it means being active, quick, and flexible. Where Gym provides big muscles, Yoga keeps one active, flexible and disease free body. Gym is all about shape of our body, whereas, Yoga is all about shape of our life. Gym is the activity of doing physical exercises through physical education. Yoga means addition - addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul. It is designed for a vast and profound purpose. Gym locations are the millennia's admirer spot these days. They're passionate to the machine. Yoga is meditation to tensed nerves; body metabolism gets a tough boost. Mind and body incline towards full rejuvenation. If one is more into body building and need faster results then go for Gym workouts but for overall upgrade, Yoga will be our ultimate choice. Modern-day science confirms that the proceedings of Yoga have touchable physical well-being perks. Yoga is a science, and not a vague dreamy drifting or imagining. Dr Loren Fishman MD, medical director of 'Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation' in New York City, has divulged the amazing effects Yoga has on the brain, central nervous system and immune system. Dr. Mithu Storoni, UK based medical doctor, neuroscientist speaks that Yoga is very effective in reducing stress and creating balance in the body. Dr. Tiffany Field, Director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami, America's top research University, in his book based on research on the benefits of Yoga, speaks of wonderful benefits on anxiety and depression, pain, cardiovascular, autoimmune and immune conditions and on pregnancy. Yoga is the fastest growing movement of present time. More people than ever across all age groups are realizing the benefits of Yoga, from stress relief to flexibility to overall well-being. It is a thriving, growing industry. It is so popular and fundamental to so many people's lives and wellbeing, that there is now an annual 'World Yoga Day' which is recognized by the United Nations. The potent day of the solstice, June 21, marks the day of celebration for this remarkable ancient practice that enhances the lives of so many across the globe. Yoga crosses all barriers; it is accessible to and practiced by the aged, teens and children. It is the science of self realization. All of the other Vedic sciences like Ayurveda which is the science of health and wellness, support this primary science. While the goal of Yoga has been described as uniting mind, body, and spirit, it has now become a popular means to promote physical and mental well-being. The main difference between Gym and Yoga is the effect it has on the body. Gym is effective to only specific parts of the body, whereas, Yoga is effective to all organs of the body. With Yoga one can expect increased flexibility, toning and strengthening. Good effects are coupled with bad effects also both in Gym as well as in Yoga. We come across some of the side effects of Gym such as; the extensive work out in the Gym contracts and bends muscles forcefully. The wear and tear of the muscle is such that it spoils the shape of the body in the long run. A stop going to Gym, muscle strength starts to decline gradually, gradual tear of the muscles cause pain to the body and especially body joints, and decline in the cardiovascular fitness. Yoga when practiced with regularity and properly, it can have dramatic and extremely positive effects and it benefits the mind, body and spirit, it benefits our full body, externally and internally, we can do it anywhere, it is kinder to the body and everyone can practice it. However, it is important to know that there can also be negative side effects to practicing Yoga, especially when it is not practiced correctly. Ensuring that Yoga poses are performed correctly is essential to experiencing the benefits of the practice. A systematic review of published case reports and case series in the scientific journal, 'PLOS ONE' printed by the 'Public Library of Science' (PLOS) since 2006, has come up with the adverse events associated with Yoga. Concluding before we've practiced Yoga, the theory is useless. After we've practiced, the theory is obvious. It is advisable that when a person decides to engage in a Yoga workout, many times it is at home with a DVD, no instructor, and very little knowledge of the basics behind the Yoga philosophy; this can be quite dangerous and result in serious injury. As with any exercise program, it is extremely important to consult with a physician before structuring a Yoga workout regimen. Yoga is invigoration in relaxation, freedom in routine, confidence through self control and energy within and energy without. |