JAMMU, Mar 26: The SR College of Competitions (SRCC) today started the 20-day long important Science and Technology component targeting the JKPSC and UPSC Preliminary examinations. Visiting faculty from Delhi, Dr Raj Shekhar took marathon coaching sessions with focus on overview of the topics to be covered like Space, Bio Technology, Information Technology, Nano Technology, Robotics and Technology in Disaster Management. "In view of the already changed JKPSC syllabus on the pattern of UPSC, the target students were provided an overview of the things to be covered. Students were informed that now they have to give equal weightage to basic science as well as technology area even for the Preliminary test," said Dr Raj Shekhar. Earlier, the technology part was asked in the Mains examination only but after the changes in Civil Services pattern in the UPSC, many questions form Technology are asked in the Prelims. Furthermore, with the merger of Indian Forest Services Preliminary examination with Civil Services, the Science and Technology part has become more relevant. "A brief outline of basic science, different technologies and their regulatory aspects were discussed with focus on main topics to be discussed in details including Space, Bio Technology, Information Technology, Nano Technology, Robotics and Technology in Disaster Management. Inter-disciplinary approach of these aspects also disclosed," maintained Dr Raj Shekhar. |