Dr. Pinky Goswami
A continuous lockdown is leading to a lot of restlessness, anxiety, and depressive status. It is important to first understand this phase of Lockdown. Any change can be anxiety causing. Fear of change is the most common type of fear in humans. The period of Lockdown which have suddenly engulfed us is somewhat a big change and as the lockdown is getting extended the fear is on the rise. At this moment it is highly important to first accept this fear as a normal happening. The Lockdown is a new situation for all most all of us and this new change will have its own teething issues like any other changes in life. But it is important to note here, that researches have proved Humans to be the most adaptive species. Humans thy name is adjustment. Adjustment, is the behavioral process by which humans maintain an equilibrium between their needs and the obstacles of their environments. The sooner the process, the better is the mental being. To make adjustment to this lockdown, firstly take it as a part of life. Life is a journey and nothing stays permanent. Therefore feel positive that this phase is also bound to go. This lockdown is also ushering in a lot of fear due to uncertainty. Uncertainty is a feeling, a kind of emotion. Presently, each one of us are totally uncertain about the future. Therefore, the hunger for information is high in each. Information is coming in big measures but it is to be noted that excessive information can be equally anxiety causing. It is very important to tackle this lockdown anxiety. Anxiety can affect our immune system which can make us more susceptible to corona virus. The key to relief at this situation is practicing Mindfulness. Mindfulness means being in the present. It is a psychological process of intentionally getting our attention to the things which are happening at the present moment, without judging it. Some tips to practice Mindfulness are 1. Connect to all the sense organs one by one. Your five senses, touch, smell, taste, sound and sight are the doors through which we receive information. Mostly one or the other sense may be so overwhelming that it may totally block you to get a feel of the other four senses. Just pause to feel each of the senses. Enjoy the information that each one is giving you. 2. Concentrate on the breathing process. Breathing has a beautiful rhythm, and as soon as we get absorbed in this rhythm we can momentarily free ourselves from the worries and recurring thoughts. 3. Listen wholeheartedly. Soak in every word you listen to. Do not burden what you listen to with your talking mind. Therefore, listen without getting lost in your own thoughts. When you listen, just listen. 4. Meditate daily. Mindfulness Meditation is not about stopping your mind from wandering nor totally emptying your mind. Instead, it is the practice of paying close attention to the present moment — especially our own thoughts, emotions and sensations 5. Eat mindfully, means when you eat, just concentrate on what you are eating, its aroma, its taste etc. Avoid doing ten other things when you are eating.6. Walk mindfully. When you take a walk, feel your feet touch the ground, feel the movement of your muscles. Connect with the sights around you. You will realize that it is a totally new world which you had never connected to in the past. 7. Do things you love to do. It can be anything like cooking, drawing, painting, reading, writing etc When we do what we love, we tend to lose ourselves in it. Incorporate more such activities in your day to day routine. It will help you in keeping yourself happy and contented. Stay home. Stay safe. |