JAMMU, May 27: BJP’s Muthi-Paloura Mandal President Suresh Khajuria announced the office bearers of Muthi Palaura Mandal BJP in consultation with BJP State President Ravinder Raina, BJP General Secretary(org.) Ashok Koul, District President Jammu Rural Rajinder Singh Chib, Former MLA Bali Bhagat and other senior leaders. Mohinder Sharma and Rajinder Singh appointed as Mandal General Secretary, Tara Chand, Paramjit Singh, Kewal Sharma, Himani Jamwal as Mandal Vice President, Suman Gupta, Shekhar Jamwal, Kaushal Gupta, Vipan Sharma, Ramesh Singh as Mandal Secretary, Sanjay Gupta Treasurer, Ravi Sharma Co-Treasurer, Ravi Mangotra as Office Secretary, Kamal Singh Co-Office Secretary, Rameshwar Singh as Media Secretary, Sanjeev Sharma Co-Media Secretary, Sarvajit Dogra as Publicity Secretary, Monu Padha Co-Publicity Secretary, Sachin Singh as Social Media Secretary, Aradhya Malhotra as Co-Social Media Secretary, Arun Sharma and Suresh Kumar appointed as Spokesperson. The list of 21 executive members was also declared. BJP district president Jammu Rural and Muthi-Paloura Mandal President congratulated all the appointed members of the mandal and asked them to strengthen the party while working in nation interest.