JAMMU, June 24: Helpline Humanity, an NGO, organized a free online painting competition across the country today. Contestants from different parts of the country participated. One hundred two children participated. In view of good response the participants were divided into two groups. One for age group of upto 12 years and the other was senior group comprising of more than 12 years of age. The services of a national and international reputed art company viz Chishull Mahadar, M/S Artech, Delhi was engaged by the Helpline Humanity for the theme selection and the Judgments of best three performers in each group. Top three performers in each group were rewarded with Rs1000, Rs 700, and Rs 500 along with the Certificates of Merit as token of love and blessings from the NGO. Top performers from Junior Group were Smaksh Sunil Mattoo, Deepshikha De and Saumil Kaul while from senior group Kumar Arjit Mishra, Chiyanka Sharma and Santoshi Raina were the top performers. |